Gabriel Iglesias, the comedian known as Fluffy, has not died this weekend.
The origin of the rumors appear to just be from this website before the hoax spread via social media sites, namely Facebook and Twitter.
It reads: “Gabriel Iglesias was one of the best standup comedians in the world. His constant touring garnered him international fame and his observational comedy and impressionism provided great comedy gags for the fans. Iglesias’s signature-style Hawaiian t-shirts, jokes about obesity and the smooth story-telling have won him millions of fans. He won numerous awards and accolades, including the key to the city of El Paso. Hector Saldaña dubbed him a ”comedy genius.“ Funny, charismatic, a people person, the best comedian around were just a few of his many qualities.”
However, according to a disclaimer, it says that the content is fake.
It says: “The content of this page is not real, it’s just a social experiment performed by Canadian students currently enrolled in the Master of Teaching for education in developing countries.”
“The experiment attempts to collect vital data that may provide information on the relationship between Third World countries and the content they read. People living in the richest and most powerful countries in the world, tend to read at an early age, culture articles, historical, political, investment articles, health articles in all high value that enriches and humans, these items are the ”good“ question. People living in poor countries mostly prefer reading things celebrities, religious articles, cartoons, novels, and her favorite shows are reality shows, these items are considered ‘junk’.”
Iglesias also made a lengthy post on Facebook on Sunday about the hoax.
“According to this article below I guess I died Friday and no one decided to tell me. Well, since I’m dead now I guess I can start eating carbs again. It was a good life. Had a great childhood and an amazing career. I traveled the world and got drunk in all 50 states, woooooo! I made a lot of people happy over the years and pissed off most my ex girlfriends in the process. Can’t win them all, right? Soooo I guess I want to be buried somewhere people can visit my grave, put pretty flowers and pour diet cokes on my plot. I’m gonna want my estate to buy both plots next to me so that even in death I can stretch my legs. I would love it very much if people were to visit my grave and take selfies with it. Even in death I’m still a social media attention whore,#FarewellFluffy,” it says.