Fun and Free Things to Do in Budapest

Eastern Europe has quickly become one of the most popular destinations for world travelers, with Budapest, Hungary
Fun and Free Things to Do in Budapest
The Parliament in Budapest. (maryo990/iStock)

Eastern Europe has quickly become one of the most popular destinations for world travelers, with Budapest, Hungary high on the list. It’s actually one of the better destinations for those looking for a vacation on a tight budget as it’s relatively easy to get a really good hotel at a decent price. It’s also a fantastic city for fun, free things to do, which is not necessarily something that can be said for every major European city. What’s particularly great for travelers is that the freebies in Budapest encompass all kinds of interests so that everyone will be happy.

It’s always nice to find a little green space within the city and Budapest has a ton of them. There are many great parks and gardens that are not only beautiful to look at, but which also offer a great way to relax and get away from the busy streets located outside the park gates. If you find bricks and stone more appealing than trees and flowers, then you are in for some great free treats. You might want to start out at the magnificent Vajdahunyad Castle where you are free to wander the grounds and soak up the history of the place.You should also take a trip down to see the monument at Heroes Square, where you may even be lucky enough to catch one of the many free events that take place in that location. The city of Budapest look amazing from street level, but it takes on a whole new level of magnificence when viewed from above and you can do that by taking a trip to the top of Castle Hill. It’s the perfect spot to take in the beauty of the entire city, so think about packing a little lunch and hanging out for a couple of hours.

You can get the food for your lunch at the magnificent Central Market Hall which is free to get into as well as being a great place to shop. You don’t have to spend any money when you visit and many folks actually just get a kick out of walking around and taking in the atmosphere of the place and all the wares on display. It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the marketplace and time can quickly pass you by if you aren’t paying attention.

Vajdahunyad castle (amoklv, iStock)
Vajdahunyad castle (amoklv, iStock)

The most difficult part of visiting any foreign city is finding your way around the unfamiliar territory, but Budapest has the perfect solution to help you get the lay of the land. There are numerous free walking tours that take you to all the hotspots, all of which are guided by people that know everything there is to know about this historic city. Not only will you learn something new on all of those trips, it will help you learn how to navigate the city streets when you are on your own. Who knows, you may even find some more great free things to do on your free walking tour.

This article was originally published on Read the original here.

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