Watch: Friends of UVA Rape Victim Speak

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Original Rolling Stones article:


“A friend of the alleged victim of a gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity is challenging key details central to an article recently released in a Rolling Stone magazine.

Ryan Duffin: I realized that I had been placed in the article under the student of “Randall”, and I couldn’t help but notice that almost everything the article said about me was incorrect.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Ryan Duffin agreed for the first time to release his full name and speak openly on camera. Duffin recalling that night two years ago. He said Jackie, the alleged victim, told him something terrible had happened.

Ryan Duffin: Almost looking like, she thought somebody was just going to come out and grab her or something. She looked really really scared and really shaken up.

Rolling Stones reported that Jackie was gang-raped at a fraternity party, lured there while on a date with an older student. Duffin tells the AP he urged Jackie to talk the police, but instead she told him, she wanted to go to bed.

Alex Stock, another one of Jackie’s friends, rebuts her assertions that her friends feared social backlash.

Alex Stock: The discussion that was portrayed in there — about us not wanting to help her because then we wouldn’t be able to get into fraternity parties — I think it’s ridiculous.

Following the article’s release, UVA suspended all fraternity activities until next month. Officials are looking into the allegations.

The fraternity named in the story - Phi Kappa Si, they issued a statement saying,

“We have no knowledge of these alleged acts being committed at our house, or by our members.”

As for Jackie’s friends:

Alex Stock: Do I think she was raped? Maybe. It’s a really non-committal answer I know, but maybe.

Ryan Duffin: I still really want to believe her story, but I’m really not in a position to comment either way on whether i think it’s true or not, because I don’t know where to stand.

Yet even with concerns over the different versions of events from that night..

Ryan Duffin: The thing is, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, because whether this one incident is true, there’s still a huge problem with sexual assault in the United States. 

Emails from the AP to Jackie’s lawyer, and to Rolling Stone, were not immediately returned.

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