French Politician Calls Out Biden’s Ties

David Vives

The outcome of the U.S election of a new president, including the legal issues filed by Trump’s team, is likely to have an impact in Europe.

In France, Emmanuel Macron congratulated Biden, but some experts show concerns over what could happen if the Democrat candidate were to be elected.

Jerome Riviere is a conservative member of the European Parliament from France who currently resides in the United States. He says he’s pained to see American media declaring Biden president without any legal ground.

“I’m shocked by what’s happening. In France, mail-in ballots are forbidden since 1975 because it’s proven how easily an election can be tricked that way. The United States is a great nation who is also the cradle of democracy in our civilization, I’m so pained to see what’s happening with the fraud.”

He says the relationship between the United States and China might also be turned over if Biden were to be in the White House.

The Chinese Communist Party congratulated Biden today. Riviere alleges there are heavy suspicions over corruption between the Democrat Party and the CCP.

He referred to a 2014 Wall Street Journal article that alleged Hunter Biden’s fundraising agency Rosemont Seneca Partners received over a billion dollars from the Bohai Industrial Group Investors, whose main owner is the Bank of China.

“There’s absolutely no way Hunter Biden could get that amount of money out of his own experience or talents. The only reason I see is that he was the son of Joe Biden when Biden was Vice president of the United States. You can only guess there’s corruption behind, maybe the sale of intelligence secrets or financial interests. There’s something rotten in the relation that Hunter Biden had with the Chinese Communist Party.”

Riviere said there’s more to understand and to investigate the relationship between the Obama presidency and the CCP.

“You know, there were private meetings at the White House between Obama, Biden, and CCP head members, and those meetings were not registered in the POTUS agenda. This is totally contrary to the law. It is crystal clear that some things had to be concealed. But media outlets didn’t mention it for some reason at that time.”

Riviere said he doesn’t support any candidate but hopes to see a fair election process.

European leaders have aligned their stance toward China with the United States on certain topics, such as the ban of Huawei in the UK.

According to the French parliamentarian, whichever candidate will be elected will have a tremendous impact on the relationship between the United States and its European allies in regards to the CCP.