French Government Unveils Hard Hitting Measures Against Smoking

French Government Unveils Hard Hitting Measures Against Smoking
Yup, they're all different.
Anthony Carranza

The Health Minister, Marisol Touraine, plans to add some harsh legislative restrictions as part of a national reduction plan for smoking. In 2011 measures were passed where cigarette packs were to include messages that smoking kills along with pictures to reinforce the message. According to France’s English language newspaper, The Connexion, report published Sept. 26, 2014 is nothing short of a sort of declaration of war against tobacco companies.

What is included in this tentative effort is an attempt to curb smoking and the business behind it. The following measures are as follows:

  • A ban on smoking inside vehicles if children under age 12 are present
  • A ban on smoking in children’s play areas
  • Media campaign launch stating that one in two smokers dies from habit
  • A triple state reimbursement for anti-smoking products like nicotine patches for people ages up to the age of 30 and people entitled to CMU-C (free universal healthcare for low income wages)

The move by the government to crack down on smoking will affect electronic cigarettes too. People will not be able to smoke these e-cigarettes in enclosed workplaces, in public transportation, or venues where children are present. In addition, advertising e-cigarettes will be banned from 2016.

The legislative action however will still need to be debated by the parliament and according to the news analysis it has been hailed by anti-smoking charities (Ligue Contre le Cancer and Droit des Non-Fumeurs).

Now in spite of the recent popularity of these newer cigarettes and growing adoption health concerns have been identified inside the chemicals. To get an accurate idea on the quality reviews of these products serve as a strong indicator to find the best e-cigarettes in order to cut down on the addiction.

10 Known Facts About Electronic Cigarettes

According to these are the little-known facts about e-cigarettes:

  1. Developed first in China and introduced in the United States (U.S) market in 2007. It is a tobacco-free product.
  2. These cigarettes run on lithium battery and no lighter required
  3. E-cigarettes are tobacco free but no nicotine-free.
  4. Liquid nicotine can be lethal.
  5. Full disclosure of all the ingredients used is inaccurate.
  6. It was not until 2014 that the FDA decided to proposed requirements for e-cigarettes
  7. E-cigarettes are battery powered
  8. Annually e-cigarettes cost less than tobacco-based products
  9. Vaping is allowed in some smoke-free places
  10. They produce second-hand vapor and cause lung damage

Smoking in general has detrimental effects on the person’s health and the longer the habit is the longer the struggle to quit. E-cigarettes were thought of as an alternative means to quit smoking, but now that it has become a profitable industry regulation of it came as a consequence. To simply quit it is a matter of choice, will power and ability to find a healthier alternative. However, there is not a silver bullet or even a simple framework to try to comprehensively make the case that smoking has no health benefit whatsoever.

Digital Media Journalist! Existing contributor for Examiner and Social Media Today with a track record for web news. A former freelance writer for CBS Local Minnesota. Writing and reporting on the latest social media happenings.
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