Sibylle’s Style Diary: Frederick Anderson on Using Style to Dialogue With the World

Frederick Anderson, president of sportswear label Hanley Mellon and former co-owner of luxury brand Douglas Hannant, discusses his personal style.
Sibylle’s Style Diary: Frederick Anderson on Using Style to Dialogue With the World
Frederick Anderson attends Hanley Mellon Fall/Winter 2015 Collection Presentation after party at Beautique, in New York, on Feb. 12, 2015. Photo by Chance Yeh/Getty Images for Hanley Mellon

This week’s style diary guest is Frederick Anderson, president of Hanley Mellon LLC, the sportswear label created by Nicole Hanley Mellon and Matthew Mellon, and former CEO and co-owner of the luxury brand Douglas Hannant.

Sibylle Eschapasse: Describe your style? If a close friend were to describe your personality in three words, what would they be?

Frederick Anderson: Effortless casual chic (generally with an open shirt).

Ms. Eschapasse: How did your style evolve since you were a teenager? What is the wildest thing you ever wore?

Mr. Anderson: I’m ultimately a Carolina boy, so from boarding school on, I was always in pink and green or some equally preppy color combo. I still like color, but maybe the combo has changed.

I moved to NYC to join the cast of “Cats,” so every night in front of 3,000 people I wore a furry unitard cat costume—pretty much my wildest.

Ms. Eschapasse: How do you dress on workdays versus weekends?

Mr. Anderson: My daily work staple is a jacket over an open shirt and skinny jeans. On the weekends, I wear nothing, or as little as possible. 

Ms. Eschapasse: What are three accessories you can’t live without and what’s one item that makes you instantly more confident?

Mr. Anderson: My Baume & Mercier watch was given to me by my best friend in a difficult period so it’s always on my wrist. A satchel bag is my staple, and the Armani microfiber underwear is my base.

Ms. Eschapasse: Who have been your greatest fashion influences? Who is your style icon?

Mr. Anderson: The old photos of the Rat Pack. I wanted to be the forth—always wished I was Sammy. Skinny pants and open shirts. Chic!!!

Ms. Eschapasse: What does having style mean to you? In other words, please define style.

Mr. Anderson: Style to me is one’s exterior dialogue with the world.  Someone with great style tells the world exactly how they want to be perceived “without effort” or one spoken word.

Ms. Eschapasse: What is one purchase you’re most proud of? What would you pay a lot of money for, and what would you never pay much money for?

Mr. Anderson: I absolutely feel beyond chic when I put on my Lanvin mesh back fitted blazer I bought in spring. Its my favorite purchase this year.

I would never spend money on anything with logos all over it. Wearing logos is for cowards who don’t have confidence in their own choices.

I'd pay anything to buy my mother whatever she wanted.

Ms. Eschapasse: When you go on the red carpet, how do you want your outfit to make you feel? Which designers can achieve that?

Mr. Anderson: When I’m off to an event, I want to feel chic but at ease. (I don’t mean comfortable.)

I love detailed and important looking jackets, but then you really have to play them down. Honestly most of my jackets are custom, but last fall, I bought the Ralph Lauren midnight blue velvet jacket with black grosgrain trim and I actually lived in it.

Ms. Eschapasse: What do you think of how others dress and what’s your advice to people who would like to develop their personal style?

Mr. Anderson: I think most people spend too much time looking at what others are wearing and not enough time looking at themselves. Generally, people with great style live their life first, and the style is an extension and makes sense in the life that they live.


Favorite color: Blue
Favorite perfume: Douglas Hannant  (my baby)
Favorite restaurant in NY: Nobu 57
Favorite drink: Vodka gimlet up
Favorite movie: “Harold and Maude
Favorite book: “Creative Visualization“ by Shakti Gawain 

Sibylle’s Style Diary explores style from the perspective of choices, and what that means for different people, with personal advice from some of the most stylish people in New York.

Sibylle Eschapasse is from Paris and now lives in Manhattan. She is a journalist and a contributing writer to various publications. Sibylle is also the author of a children’s book, “Argy Boy!: A New York Dog Tale.” She may be reached at [email protected]

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Frederick Anderson is the co-owner of the luxury brand Douglas Hannant. He is the former CEO and co-owner of Douglas Hannant. Epoch Times regrets the error. 

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