Jim Messina, a former campaign manager for Barack Obama, thinks Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wouldn’t be able to beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.
“Bernie Sanders is unlikely to going to be able to stand up to the constant barrage that is Donald Trump on economic issues,” Messina said.
Messina also went on to say Sanders would struggle at exciting the Democratic base to attract new voters and grab swing voters—a combo he said helped former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama win the candidacy.
“And to win an election against Donald Trump you have to do both. ... We’re going to look for a nominee to do both and today we would say in the general election context Bernie Sanders wouldn’t be that candidate,” he said.
Messina’s remarks follow President Trump’s prediction that either Sanders and Biden would be the Democratic nominee.
“Biden has seen his support drop. In February, he led Sanders 27 percent to 17 percent, and in March, the two were tied at 26 percent. Now, Sanders has a five-point lead,” Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson Polling, said in a statement.
The Emerson poll showed Biden performing best in a head-to-head contest with President Donald Trump, with 53 percent of the respondents picking Biden and 47 percent favoring Trump.
Sander’s popularity is indicative of the shift to the hard-left within the Democratic Party. For example, Sanders’s socialist “Medicare for All” bill had no co-sponsors in Congress six years ago but the bill is now supported by one-third of Senate Democrats and two-thirds of House Democrats.

If implemented, Medicare for All would hand the federal government a monopoly over the health care industry and cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $32 trillion during the first 10 years. In comparison, the total projected spending by the federal government over the next decade is $60 trillion.
“We thought that debate ended in the 1980s. We thought it ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but here we are today with Democrats wanting to take us the way of Venezuela,” Kayleigh McEnany, press secretary for the Trump 2020 campaign, told The Epoch Times earlier this month.
“So we’re all very keenly focused on socialism—every single one of us in the campaign.”