Former Chinese Diplomat Exposes How the Chinese Consulate Arranges Welcoming Groups

Former Chinese Diplomat Exposes How the Chinese Consulate Arranges Welcoming Groups
On July 22, Chen Yonglin attended the public rally to support 3 million quitting the CCP in Washington, D.C. The Epoch Times

On the evening of September 4, 2005, the former first secretary at the Chinese consulate-general in Sydney, Chen Yonglin, was a guest speaker at the New Tang Dynasty Television’s Commentaries on Current Affairs program. While talking about Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to America, Chen revealed the inside story of how the Chinese Consulate arranges welcome groups for officials. In his speech he said that he hopes that Hu will be able to see what is right and will summon the courage to end the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s tyranny.

What does the indefinite postponement of Hu’s visit to the U.S. mean?

Chen Yonglin said that it is quite natural for the U.S. to cancel the meeting between Presidents Bush and Hu following the hurricane’s aftermath. But it is also in fact a signal the U.S. is no longer willing to pander to the CCP, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

After the disturbing speech on nuclear bombs made by General Zhu Chenghu, a member of the CCP’s Crown Prince Party (descendents of prominent and influential senior communists of the People’s Republic of China), the U.S. has strengthened its resolve against the CCP. The CCP frustrated the U.S. with its insistence on a full state reception for Hu.

For Hu Jintao, the postponement is undoubtedly a big “disappointment”. The preparations he made for this trip, such as the appreciation of the Chinese Yuan exchange rate and over $5 billion deal with Boeing, might seem to have been done in vain. When the CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reported news of the delay on September 4, their headline was “Hu Jintao and Bush teleconference to postpone the U.S. visit, Hu teleconferences with Putin.” Chen commented that the CCP is a real master of propaganda; they used the expression of “Hu Jintao and Bush teleconference” to give the impression that it is Hu who canceled the visit. They followed that by “Hu and Putin teleconference” to imply that Hu has a good relationship with the Russian leader. This was an act to save face and show balance.

The Chinese Consulate was busy implementing measures to guard sea, land and air for 2 months in preparation for Hu’s visit to Australia

When Hu Jintao visited Australia in 2003, Chen Yonglin was working in the Consulate-general in Sydney. Chen said that to prepare for Hu’s visit, the consulate was busy for 2 months. They took measures guarding the sea, land, and air to ensure that Hu would not see or hear any protest.

By sea, they meant no protestors can appear on the sea by ship. When former Chinese president Jiang Zemin visited Australia in 1999, some people protesting the CCP’s slaughter of Tibetans managed to get up close with a vessel and opened a banner, which horrified Jiang. From then on, guarding the sea has become a priority. When Hu visited, the Chinese staff even asked Australian police if they had taken precautions to guard the waters off Darling Harbor near the Inter-Continental hotel where Hu was staying.

Land protection measures are obvious. Measures for the air are to prevent protesters using balloons to raise protest banners into the air.

To achieve this goal, the most effective action is to keep Hu’s schedule completely secret, so that the protesters would not know where to protest.

The CCP uses overseas Chinese but does not trust them

Chen also said that the CCP wants to use overseas Chinese, but does not trust them. When Hu visited Australia, he chose to stay at the Inter-Continental hotel because it has many exits, which facilitates secret entry and exit.

During Hu’s stay in Sydney, he received some Chinese students and Chinese nationals. For this event, the Chinese Consulate rented a safety door. Each Chinese who came to see Hu had to pass a strict search through the safety door. In fact, the CCP does not even trust these Chinese who came to pay their respect.

Where does the welcome crowd come from?

Chen said that when high ranking CCP officials came to visit, the welcome crowd normally consists of Chinese students abroad and some Chinese who want to do business in China.

For students abroad, the Chinese Consulate will pay them and provide them with food and opportunities to attend activities organized by the Chinese Consulate or tickets for other concerts.

Another important factor is that many students abroad are on government scholarship, so they need the Chinese Consulate to issue a certificate to prove how they have behaved in Australia so that they can find a job after returning to China. Good comments from the Chinese Consulate will be very useful for these students.

People who want to do business in China also join the welcoming party to seek opportunities to see officials. If they can take a picture with some high ranking officials, when they go back to China, they can show that picture to local officials, which will make the local officials think this person has connections with the top. One such picture will likely earn the holder substantial benefits.

Chen believes that without the behind-the-scenes arrangements made by the Chinese Consulate, there would not be that many people who voluntarily go and welcome senior CCP officials.

When Hu visited Australia last time, the Chinese Consulate organized a “mobile team” consisting of 25 to 50 students. The main aim of this group is to block the view of senior officials when protestors show up unexpectedly.

Call upon Hu Jintao

As the number of people who have now withdrawn from the CCP and the Communist Youth League exceeds 4 million, more and more people have called upon Hu Jintao to give up the CCP, start a new party, end the one-party dictatorship and be the pioneer of a democratic China. Hu’s name would go down in history if he could act on this advice.

Chen believes Hu can hear these words, but he is not optimistic that Hu has the courage to take such a step. He hopes that Hu will see the truth of the matter and has the courage to end the CCP’s tyranny.