Ford Faces Court and Potential Loss of Job

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is facing the prospect of losing his job as a judge weights whether he violated conflict of interest rules.
Ford Faces Court and Potential Loss of Job
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is facing the prospect of losing his job as a judge weights whether he violated conflict of interest rules. (The Canadian Press/ Nathan Denette)
Kristina Skorbach
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1782634" title="Rob Ford" src="" alt="" width="350" height="245"/></a>

TORONTO—Mayor Rob Ford faces a court hearing Sept. 5 that could cost him his job.

Ford is accused of using his influence to solicit donations for his charitable organization while using the city’s resources and then breaching the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Ford heads a football foundation that funds equipment for underprivileged kids, but the controversial $3,150 he solicited was scrutinized by Toronto resident Paul Magder. When Ford’s actions were debated at council, Ford spoke out and voted on the issue.

Magder filed a lawsuit against the mayor that is being fought by prominent lawyer Clayton Ruby. Ford is in trouble for arguing in a council debate in February about whether he should be required to pay back the funds to the donors.

Depending on what the judge rules, Ford could lose his job and the right to run for office for the next seven years.

“I hope that doesn’t happen. I truly believe I haven’t done anything wrong,” Ford said in a CP24 interview.

The judge could also dismiss the sum as insignificant and Ford could be back in his seat the next day. Whatever the judge decides, it’s not the end of Ford’s political career.

“If the judge says I can run again, and I lose my job, I guarantee I‘ll just say ’When’s the next election?‘ because I’ll run for mayor the next day. I'll start campaigning again for sure,” he said in the interview.

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Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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