Flynn: ‘We the People Decide’ Who the Next President Will Be

NTD Television

Retired Lt. General Mike Flynn spoke at the “Women for Trump” rally in Washington D.C. on Dec. 12:

“I have two great women behind me, my sister Barbara, my sister Mary, as well as my brother Joe, that’s only a third of the family that I have. And like we have learned, we all fight like a Flynn, right? We all fight like a Flynn.”

“Number one, when people ask me this all the time now, in the last couple of days certainly. On a scale of 1 to 10, who’s gonna be the next president of the United States, and I say 10, Donald J. Trump.”

“Without hesitation, without hesitation.”

“The other thing that I want everybody to know, and there’s a lot of people listening. Our courts have a purpose. In our country, our court system has a purpose in our country, the justice system has a purpose in our country. But the courts do not decide who the next president of the United States of America will be. We the people decide.”

This video is part of our special series ‘What Voters Say.’ To watch more videos click here.