Flushing Residents Petition to Recall Local Politicians

Flushing residents are collecting signatures from passers-by to recall two local politicians.
Flushing Residents Petition to Recall Local Politicians
Flushing residents formed a committee to recall the offending council and assembly members. (The Epoch Times )

<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/committee.jpg" alt="Flushing residents formed a committee to recall the offending council and assembly members.  (The Epoch Times )" title="Flushing residents formed a committee to recall the offending council and assembly members.  (The Epoch Times )" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1834831"/></a>
Flushing residents formed a committee to recall the offending council and assembly members.  (The Epoch Times )

New YorkFlushing residents are collecting signatures from passers-by to recall two local politicians—Councilman John Liu (Queens) and New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young. The Epoch Times interviewed some of the supporters on July 20, 2008.

On July 4, a dozen Flushing residents initiated the committee for recalling John Liu and Ellen Young” for their assisting crimes committed by the pro-communist thugs. More than 50 Chinese people signed to support on July 4. The campaign is co-sponsored by Chairman of China Democracy Party Union Wang Jun; Chairman of Peace Democracy Union of China Tang Baiqiao; a representative of the Korean community, Mr. King; the director of central committee of Liberty Democracy Party of China, Zheng Nan; and others.

Ms. He, a middle-aged woman signed and said, “Peng Keyu [Chinese consul general in New York] [belongs] to the communist regime. He takes the regimes money. But John Liu [does] not [belong to the regime]. Ms. He said, “If there is nothing happening when he is in power, it’s fine. However, when violent incidents happen, he supports the violent part, it can’t be allowed.”

Mr. Wang said that he witnessed the scene of the first three days of the Flushing incident (May 17, 18, 19). He went through Flushing Main Street every day when he went to the library.

Recall is quite a light punishment for John Liu, said Wang. “He is elected by the Flushing people. But now he is obviously on the side of the communist regime and is obviously bought off.”

Mr. Wang thought that Liu’s behavior has violated the U.S. Constitution, which does not welcome the CCPs influence. He believed Liu is contrary to the spirit of the Constitution.

Wang repeatedly stressed, “The Flushing incident keeps exposing the ‘underground troop of the Communist Party, and exposed its root.” He particularly mentioned that Liu and Young have been bought off. “People did not know it before.”

A young man from mainland China showed an indifferent attitude at the beginning. He wanted to avoid the topic of the Flushing incident. However, when it came to the topic of the suffering of mainland Chinese for so many years, the young man’s heart was touched. He said at last, “If the CCP were good, I would not have been in the U.S.”

At last, the young man delightedly signed to support the removals of Liu and Young.

Flushing gathers many races, including other Asian people, Western people, and African-Americans, etc.

Richard Rinfret, a resident of Flushing said, “I don’t like John Liu. I have thought he is not honest ever since he took office on the first day. He is not a just person. I don’t know how he can enter the U. S. government and who made him enter the government. But now what I’m concerning about is how to make him step down.”

“As an elected official, he should represent all the people in Flushing, but in fact he only speaks for his group of people.”

He pointed to the pictures in which the pro-communist thugs were attacking Falun Gong practitioners, and said, “These people are on the street every day. Who gives them the right to attack people? If I do so, I must be kept in the prison. Liu, however, receives them. He represents these people.” 

Chinese version: http://news.epochtimes.com/gb/8/7/21/n2198976.htm

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