First Responders Continue Dying—Come Honor Their Service

It is shameful that so many Americans demand closure from the 9/11 attacks believing it is time to “get past it!” Yet daily the number of deaths caused by the attack only increases.
First Responders Continue Dying—Come Honor Their Service
A rose is placed on the name David S. Lee at the 9/11 Memorial on Sept. 9, 2014, who died at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)

Listed below are the names of members of the FDNY who died as a result of working on the “pile.”

It is shameful that so many Americans demand closure from the 9/11 attacks believing it is time to “get past it!” Yet daily the number of deaths caused by the attack only increases.

Americans are proud to recall the heroics of the Greatest Generation and their sacrifices. On Memorial Day we wave the flag. We are enraged when anyone has the audacity to set fire to the flag. We are quick to threaten war when we feel threatened, insulted, or are dismissed. We arrange displays at the sites of tragedies. Tears fall and hugs are exchanged in the hope that the moment of sympathy will address the losses that will continue to the harm of families for generations.

So on Sept. 11 the families of those who died attend ground zero. Those who were blessed not to have sustained a death pause for a moment and move on without further thought. Other memorials and dedications have fewer and fewer people attending, leaving only the stricken to recall those who died saving others or because they cleaned up the rubble left behind. Congress debates funding health care for those made ill by the pile.

And in 2015 19 additional FDNY firefighters have joined the list of the departed.

On Sept. 12 St. Michael’s, with the support of the Christopher Santora Scholarship Fund & the Community Mayors, will hold the annual Remember Me Run honoring the first responders who saved thousands, offering their lives in exchange. We will also memorialize these 19 FDNY Firefighters.

This is the list of deceased FDNY members we plan to add to the World Trade Center Memorial Wall on Sept. 8:

First Responders Continue Dying—Come Honor Their Service

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