Find the Panda Hidden in the Crowd of Snowmen in This Challenging Illustration by Hungarian Artist Dudolf

Find the Panda Hidden in the Crowd of Snowmen in This Challenging Illustration by Hungarian Artist Dudolf
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás, also known as Dudolf, has won fans the world over with his fun Where’s Waldo-like visual puzzles, lovingly illustrated by his own hand in watercolor and ink. The artist’s most popular puzzles, which went massively viral and had social media users scratching their heads in frustration, featured a single panda hidden somewhere in a vast sea of snowmen.

The picture features crowds of smiling snowmen, complete with carrot noses and coal eyes. Some of them are even appropriately dressed for winter weather with colorful scarves and toques. One particularly dapper gentle-snowman even has a stovepipe hat, and another has a special Santa cap in honor of the holidays. But hidden in this dense white-like field of snowmen, there is a panda perfectly camouflaged in the mix.

Can you find him? Why not time yourself and see how fast you can spot him? On your mark, get set, go.

Spot him? How long did it take you? You might have gotten an edge by considering the differences between pandas and snowmen. For one, pandas don’t have orange carrot noses like their man-made counterparts. And while very few people ever think to give snowmen ears, even the most basic drawing of a panda bear must include two round, black ears.

Of course, Dudolf hasn’t made the illustration easy for the viewer, since the snowmen are all packed in tight and their coal buttons can mislead your eyes. It’s especially difficult if you try scrolling from the top of the picture down to the bottom, since the snowmen aren’t in perfect vertical columns. Going across the rows will help you spot anything that looks different.

If you’re still having a hard time or not sure that you got it, check the solution posted by Dudolf himself here.

For all those panda lovers, Dudolf came up with a whole illustration full of them, complete with a soccer ball cheekily hidden in the mix in honor of the 2018 World Cup Final between France and Croatia. This puzzle is particularly challenging because the perfectly round heads of the cute pandas, with black patches and black ears, already look a lot like soccer balls.

But if you start from the top and scan across, you'll find that about half the way down, second from the right, there’s one panda whose face is obscured by the black and white pentagons of a soccer ball. Did you find it? In case you’re still having a hard time with the illustrations or if you’re trying to go for 3 for 3, we’ve given you one more to test your mettle.

Animal lovers will be delighted that Dudolf has devoted this particular illustration to cats. But in typical fashion, there aren’t just a bunch of felines in the picture. There’s a bunny rabbit hiding in the mix that you need to find. Here the artist has made our task especially challenging as there are plenty of little cat tails floating about, looking a lot like bunny ears.

If you look in the middle of the puzzle, fourth from the right, you'll find that there is indeed a rabbit with two ears sticking up.

So how did you do on the illustration challenge? Did you find all three of the odd animals out?