Find the Moon: NASA Pic of Saturn’s Rings Has Hidden Third Moon

Recently, Cassini spacecraft took an image of Saturn’s rings. NASA challenges viewers to find a third moon alongside the two that are visible.
Find the Moon: NASA Pic of Saturn’s Rings Has Hidden Third Moon

The stunning space picture above is a image of Saturn’s rings, taken by Cassini spacecraft and shared by NASA.

The Cassini mission is a joint undertaking by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian space agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) to study the Saturnian system using sophisticated spacecraft. To learn more about the Cassini mission, visit here or here.

In the above picture there are two objects that appear to be moons. In fact, what you see are Saturn’s moons Enceladus—located above the rings, and Rhea—located below the rings. 

But they are not the only moons in the picture; there is one more.

Enceladus is 313 miles (504 kilometers) across while Rhea is 949 miles (1,527 kilometers) across. Comparatively, Atlas is 19 miles (30 kilometers) across, and is located within the rings.

So here is an alternate to the find the panda challenge: can you spot tiny little Atlas in the photo? (Zoom in if you have to).