Finally: A Service That Lets You Charge People to Email You

If I were to charge people to email me, I could likely retire before the year is done. I more than 100 emails per day on a slow day, and can easily top 200 emails on a busy day
Finally: A Service That Lets You Charge People to Email You

If I were to charge people to email me, I could likely retire before the year is done. I more than 100 emails per day on a slow day, and can easily top 200 emails on a busy day. This, of course, is why I had no choice but to destroy email.

Of course, it wouldn’t be ethical for me to charge companies to pitch me, so I would never use a service like For others out there without ethical barriers, however, a service that lets you charge people to email you might just be your new favorite thing in the world.

DON'T MISS: This is one of the coolest iPhone tricks we’ve seen, and you had no idea it existed is brilliantly simple and simply brilliant. It works like this:

You get a special email address and either give it out to people as your main email address or just forward messages from your current account to that address.

When someone emails you at that new address, he or she automatically gets a reply that states how much it costs to email you and includes a link to a simple payment gateway where the person can pay by credit card or bitcoin.


Once the payment is verified, the email is forwarded to your personal email address. The money paid to send you that email will then be deposited in your Stripe account or donated to charity via Watsi, if you prefer. The service charges a fee that varies depending on how much you charge to receive emails. is currently in open beta and anyone can sign up here.

Republished with permission from BGR. Read the original.