Film Director: Hard to Come By Once in a Lifetime

Joseph Kuo said, “Every time when I saw the performance, I was touched. It is beyond words.”
Film Director: Hard to Come By Once in a Lifetime
Film director Joseph Kuo attends Shen Yun Performing Arts in Tainan. The Epoch Times
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TAINAN, Taiwan—“Very, very touching! It (Shen Yun performance) can move people to tears,” said film director Joseph Kuo, after watching the Shen Yun performance.

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company held the second performance of its 2012 Taiwan tour at Tainan Municipal Cultural Center on the evening of March 8, 2012. Joseph Kuo, a martial art film director who was popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1970’s, attended the performance. Seeing Shen Yun’s performance for several years in a row, Mr. Kuo said, “Every time when I saw the performance, I was touched. It is beyond words.”

Joseph Kuo pointed out that after watching Shen Yun’s performance, he believed that each actor had put in a lot of time, energy and effort into rigorous trainings, so as to achieve such an outstanding performance. He said, “(The actors) changed movements almost every three to five seconds in every program. Without rigorous training repeatedly, it is impossible to make it.”

As a senior figure in the film circles of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Joseph Kou expressed that Shen Yun is always at the first-class level in the areas of arts, choreography, costumes, fine arts design, etc. He explained, “In particular, the backdrop this year is simply a myth. I have been thinking what kind of art design or computer technology could make such effect possible.” He said, “Over the past few decades, only Shen Yun could have such magnificent performance.”

Joseph also recommended Shen Yun to people from all walks of life, saying “This is something difficult to come by once in a lifetime. It (the performance) is indeed very wonderful. Never hesitate, and never waste time to wait.”

Repeatedly using the word “touched” to describe his strong feelings about Shen Yun, he mentioned, “Whenever I saw the performance, I was touched. I was indeed touched deeply.” He also said that when Shen Yun performs in Kaohsiung next week, he would like to see it again. “I have seen it two or three times every year.”

Joseph Kuo, whose real name is Guo Qingchi, used to be one of Taiwan’s most important martial arts film directors in the 1970s. Mr. Kuo was the third film director who was dubbed “million-dollar-box-office director. He had directed 28 films.

Reporting by Li Yuan & Billy Shyu.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit


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