Field Organizer at DC Rally: Trump ‘Doesn’t Want America to Be for Sale Anymore’

NTD Television

Alex Stovall, a field organizer for the Trump Victory Campaign, was interviewed during a rally in Washington D.C. on Dec. 12.

“I think a lot of things inspired me. But I guess one key factor would be patriotism and our Constitution. In my mind, I think there’s a lot of dishonesty, there’s a lot of rumors, there’s a lot of unclear information that’s been communicated to the people. And I’m here today to make sure that we can create a movement to get the truth and get some clarification on that.”

“I think the media has their own personal agenda. Initially, when the news was created, it was meant to inform the people, but now I think they have their own influencers and their own personal agenda to communicate what they want to communicate to the people. So it’s become corrupt. The news isn’t really about the news. It’s about what’s trending and what’s gonna get the biggest story, right. So I think the reason why they haven’t covered is because they don’t want the truth to come out. If the truth comes out, then they have to be held accountable to everything that they’ve said up until this point. So accountability is what I think is lacking right now. ”

“I think it’s understanding that having a core foundation and integrity, and making sure you understand why you were appointed in office, making sure that the people know why people are appointed in office. But looking at the news, for example, you see a developing story, meaning you don’t have the whole story, you just have part of the story. And then they just pick and choose what they want to put in there. So like I said, it goes back to accountability and making sure that you have the whole truth and just not partiality with the truth. So that’s kind of my take.”

“I think what we’re up against right now is more personality versus policy. And what I mean by personality versus policy is we have a lot of people that voted in this election based on how they felt, or their own personal convictions towards the president versus Biden, or who Biden affiliates with, they like who Biden is as a person. But I don’t know if you’ve actually listened to the guy speak, but he barely knows where he is half the time. But people like him, but we don’t elect leaders based on if they’re liked, we base leadership, and we elect leaders on policies. That’s what we’re supposed to be doing. ”

“And I think there’s a lot of feelings that are involved in this and why there’s not a lot of clarity that’s being surfaced. So I’m excited for this event today because I think there‘ll be a lot of clarity, there’ll be a lot of things that come to light. And I think planting the seed is the biggest thing for us as patriots and American people, making sure that we are transparent with one another, and that we elect officials that we chose and not who Congress or who is currently in the office wants to put in office, if that makes sense. ”

“I support President Trump because I’m a veteran myself, and he’s a patriot. He loves America. He doesn’t want America to be for sale anymore. Nor do I. I take pride in my country, I take pride in the things I fought for, and the brothers that have died before me. And if I could say anything to President Trump, I would say keep on keeping on. He’s fighting the good fight. And I’ve got a lot of respect for him. Those who are out there that think they’re informed. I would encourage them to trust but verify. Don’t just listen to what the media tells you. They’re going to articulate how they want to articulate, and programming is programming for a reason, right? So make sure your words count, because words mean things.”