Ferguson Protests: Houston, Baltimore, Philly, Olympia, Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angeles, DC, Grand Jury Decision Sparks Protests Across Continent (Live Blog)

The Grand Jury’s failure to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the fatal shooting of Michael Brown has protesters gathering in major cities throughout the United States and even Toronto Canada.
Ferguson Protests: Houston, Baltimore, Philly, Olympia, Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angeles, DC, Grand Jury Decision Sparks Protests Across Continent (Live Blog)
James Cartmill holds an American flag while protesting in Oakland, Calif., on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014, after the announcement that a grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old. Several thousand protesters marched through Oakland with some shutting down freeways, looting, burning garbage and smashing windows. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

The Ferguson Grand Jury’s failure to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the fatal shooting of Michael Brown has protesters gathering in major cities throughout the United States and even Toronto Canada.

There has been a lot of extremely negative feelings surfacing since 18 year-old African-American college student Michael Brown was shot at least 5 times by Officer Darren Wilson. Some believe that the Grand Jury’s decision is unquestionable and those who do are extremists, anarchists etc. It should be noted the National Bar Association issued a statement calling for the indictment of Darren Wilson after reviewing the evidence and testimony St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch released after Monday night’s announcement.

Also among those not in agreement with how things were handled, is Missouri Senator Jamilah Nasheed. Less than two weeks after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, she sent a letter to Bob McCulloch asking him to appoint a special Prosecuting Attorney for this extremely sensitive case as she believed the African-American community distrusted him due to his previous failures to indict white Officers who shot and killed unarmed African-Americans.