Famous Chinese Soccer Player Calls CCP a ‘Terrorist Organization’

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June 4 marked the 31st anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s massacre of pro-democracy student protesters at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Guo Wengui, an exiled Chinese tycoon, and Steve Bannon, a former strategic adviser to the U.S. White House, along with others, announced the establishment of the “Federal State of New China” via a live online broadcast. Bannon read out the English declaration while Chinese soccer star Hao Haidong read out the Chinese declaration.

Hao Haidong: “The elimination of the CCP is necessary for justice. The Chinese Communist Party is a terrorist organization funded by Communist International which has subverted the legitimate Chinese government in the past. Totalitarian rule in China has caused horrific atrocities against humanity, total disregard for human rights, the destruction of humanity, trampled all over democracy, violated the rule of law, dishonored lawful agreements, caused great bloodshed in Hong Kong, and the exported corruption across the globe.” He continued, “The elimination of the Chinese Communist Party is essential in breaking the shackles of slavery imposed on the Chinese people, and also in bringing about peace to the world. The New Federal State of China, as a country without the Chinese Communist Party, will be able to fulfill the needs of all Chinese people as well as ensure the prosperity of the world.”

Hao’s wife and former badminton world champion Ye Zhaoying later joined him on camera to show her support.

Ye Zhaoying: “Someone will always come forward. If not us, someone else might come forward. It’s just a coincidence that heaven has given us this opportunity.”

Hao was a main player in the Chinese national soccer team in the 1990s. He also played for the military-affiliated “1981 team.” He was once called a “patriotic player” by the CCP.

Jianping Lai, a political expert from China University of Political Science and Law, expressed his support for the former soccer star.

Jianping Lai: “There are very few people in China who don’t know a sports star like Hao Haidong. In people’s minds, he has always had an image of ‘someone who loves the Party, who loves the Country’. Now he has openly spoken against the CCP and its authoritarian regime. This means that a general trend of rebellion among the people has developed and that this man is quite courageous.”

Hao’s anti-communist stance has stirred up controversy. China’s Titan Sports indirectly criticized Hao in an article it posted on Weibo on June 4. The article referred to Hao as the “soccer player with the surname H“ and later deleted the post. The popular Chinese sports website Hupu.com also released a statement, claiming that due to Hao’s so-called ”harmful comments,” discussion on the topic would be banned immediately. However, this announcement has also been subsequently deleted by Hupu.com. In response, netizens ridiculed the Chinese regime with the following comments:

“CCP seems to be really scared.”

“So scared that they dare not mention his [Hao Haidong] name when condemning someone.”

“What is the content of the wrong speech?”

“What did soccer player with surname H say? Let us hear it!”

Lai Jianping: “It [CCP] doesn’t even have the courage to criticize him [Hao Haidong] because it is too scared. The CCP knows how influential this man is. So long as it [CCP] criticizes him, there is bound to be a backlash, which will cause many people to start looking into what happened to Hao Haidong. What did he do? Why is he being pressured to leave the country? Why is he now openly speaking out against the CCP? People will definitely want to find out the reasons and the process behind it [Hao’s moves].”

U.S. Affairs commentator, Xing Tianxing, believes that Hao has a reason to come forward.

Xing Tianxing: “One [reason] is the Chinese Communist Party’s retrogressive actions, and everything it has done to date has been seen as extremely evil. No one with a conscience would be able to tolerate the existence of the evil CCP regime. The other [reason] is the global landscape, in which the entire world is uniting together to fight against the CCP. And I think Hao Haidong believes that ‘heaven will destroy the CCP.’”
At present, Hao’s Weibo account that has 7.7 million followers has been blocked. His wife’s Weibo account has also been blocked. But Hao’s video is still widely spread in various WeChat groups in mainland China, and the video has attracted numerous “likes." 
Hao tweeted on June 5: “The biggest and most correct choice we’ve made in our lifetime today is reading the declaration of the ‘Federal State of New China.’ It’s a lifetime glory!”
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