Family of Jim Carrey’s Ex-Girlfriend Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Actor

Family of Jim Carrey’s Ex-Girlfriend Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Actor
Actor Jim Carrey arrives at the David Lynch Foundation Gala Honoring Rick Rubin at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on February 27, 2014 in Beverly Hills, California. Carrey was hit with a wrongful death lawsuit involving his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

The mother of Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the actor, accusing him of knowingly infecting her daughter with three STDs and supplying her with an abundance of prescription pills, which ultimately led to her suicide last year.

Brigid Sweetman filed the complaint in the Superior Court of the State of California on Oct. 11 and claims Carey played “the role of a mourning boyfriend of Ms. White who was devastated by her death,” but it was all a facade, reported the New York Post.

Throughout the court documents, Sweetman refers to Carrey as “heartless,” “outlandish,” “exploitative,” “despicable,” “abhorrent,” “outrageous,” “opportunistic” and “pure evil,” and argues that he was fully aware of his health status yet repeatedly denied infecting White.

In a February 2013 text correspondence between White and Carey, White wrote of her concerns after she again noticed that she had bumps resembling an STD. Carrey dismissed her worries as an “abrasion” and “began pressuring Ms. White to sign an agreement releasing her from any and all liabilities associated with anything that had transpired in their relationship,” the suit reads.

When she refused, Carey ended the relationship, citing that he deserved better and he was tired of the drama between the two, according to the lawsuit.

It added that he used “fixers” to smear her relatives.

“Mr. Carrey took steps to conceal and obfuscate his involvement and culpability in Mr. White’s untimely and tragic death. These steps included Carrey once again enlisting his Hollywood ‘fixers’ to spread lies about Ms. White’s family, all in an effort to distract attention away from his outrageous and abusive behavior,” the suit reads, according to TheWrap.

The pair still remained in communication up until White’s suicide on Sept. 24, 2015, in Los Angeles. An autopsy determined that she had died of an overdose, and revealing she had Ambien, Propranolol and “a massive dose of Percocet (Oxycodone)” in her system.

The lawsuit contends that the drugs were all prescribed to Carrey, under the alias “Arthur King” and he had provided her with the drugs three days before her death.

“Carrey did so despite the fact that he knew full well that Ms. White (a) was ill equipped to ingest and manage highly additive [sic] prescription drugs outside the care of a licensed physician; (b) was prone to depression; and (c) had previously attempted to take her own life,'' the complaint reads.

“The result that followed was predictable and foreseeable—Ms. White overdosed on the drugs.'’

According to the filing, Carrey attempted to cover his tracks of the drugs being in White’s possession by sending a text message to White’s phone two days after her death, insinuating she stole them from him.  

Following White’s death, Carrey stated he‘d pay for the funeral, but her family said he did not. He was a pallbearer at her Ireland funeral, but the family said it was all for the “perpetuation of the ’grieving, good guy' image he and his handlers crafted for the media.”

Sweetman’s lawsuit comes less than month after White’s estranged husband, Mark Burton, filed a lawsuit with the same allegations, and has the same lawyer.

In response to Burton’s lawsuit, Carrey said it was a “heartless attempt to exploit him.”

Carrey has yet to respond to Sweetman’s suit.