Falun Gong Practitioner Encourages People To Quit CCP (Part 1)

Falun Gong Practitioner Encourages People To Quit CCP (Part 1)
On December 1, 2007, people in Taiwan held a rally to support the 30 million courageous Chinese people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Photo by: Liu Wenge/The Epoch Times

My name is Liu Mei, a Falun Gong practitioner. I was born in the 70’s in Central China’s Henan Province and obtained a master’s degree from a reputable university in Beijing. I am now living abroad. In the beginning of 2005, I saw the Epoch Times editorial series – Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party ( Nine Commentaries ), and learned about the mass withdrawal movement—Quitting the CCP, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers—that arose from the Nine Commentaries. I was greatly shocked when I first read the Nine Commentaries, especially how the Cultural Revolution brought calamity to the country, the unforgivable sin of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. Although I too had been illegally sentenced for practicing Falun Gong, but from my childhood education, I had never thought of associating atrocity, bloodthirsty hoodlums, deceit, spirit possession, despotism and evil with the CCP, not to mention think about phrases like “disintegration of the CCP.” But as I became detached and calm, I knew the Nine Commentaries is merely revealing the true face of the CCP to everyone. There is justice in this world. The time for heaven to eliminate the CCP will be here soon. The Epoch Times Solemn Statement further points out that “On the day, when God commands to liquidate the Communist Party, those so-called ”loyal“ members of this evil party will also be included. We make this serious statement: Anyone who had joined the Communist Party or other organizations under it (those who had been marked by that evil), quit now, erase the evil mark…” Quitting the CCP is a matter of life and death, but because of the CCP’s tight internet blockade, many Chinese are unable to obtain this information. This has made people unaware of the danger they are in. Because of this, I have decided to publicize my own statement to enable my family and friends to quit the CCP, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers, and to stay away from catastrophe and enjoy peace.

Parents Quit the Young Pioneers

Those closest to me are of course my family. I want them to be happy, peaceful and healthy. This is the earnest wish of every Chinese from the bottom of their hearts, therefore, advising my family to quit the CCP was what I thought of first. During my summer vacation at home, I played the documentary of the “Nine Commentaries on the CCP” to my father. Having been through all previous CCP political movements, my father concurred that all that was covered in the tape was true; he also admitted that the CCP has committed great crimes against the Chinese people. However, unexpectedly, my father, who was not highly educated, firmly held on to the notion of “atheism” implanted by the CCP. He said he did not believe that heaven will eliminate the CCP. Nor did he believe that quitting the CCP, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers could save oneself. He thought that he had been good and honest, hard working, accommodating; so whether he quit the CCP or not should not matter. Actually many years ago, my father had encountered supernatural phenomena that “atheism” was unable to explain. So I asked him, “Why did mother dream about how grandmother would die the day before it happened? Why is it that the soul of a relative who was thought to have committed suicide was able to attach to the body of someone else and talked about how he was actually beaten to death? How come the murderer who beat him to death but testified that he had committed suicide died suddenly at a young age? I also played several NTDTV programs such as the Unsolved Mysteries series. I also told him some famous prophecies originating from different countries such as the ancient Chinese Tui Bei Tu (Back Pushing Diagrams), Ma Qian Ke (Augury before the war), Shao Bing Ge (Pancake Song), the French Les Siecles, the Korean Gyeokamyurok, etc. I also showed him the report and pictures of “Guizhou’s hidden Chinese characters.” Father’s attitude changed gradually. My father agreed that the CCP is not an upright or honest organization; therefore, as long as one is a member, even if he has not done anything bad, he is still tacitly abetting and strengthening it. Therefore when it is time to clear accounts with the CCP, he will be implicated. Thus when my vacation was nearly over, one day, I once again asked my father if he wanted to quit the Young Pioneers, and he happily agreed this time. To my mother, quitting the Young Pioneers was a good thing. She personally witnessed the torture her grand parents, parents, and relatives went through during the Land Reform and Cultural Revolution when she was a little girl and was deeply traumatized. Furthermore, she had a deep understanding of the dealings of the lower ranking CCP cadre members and personally experienced the tyranny and corruption of the CCP’s autocratic system, therefore she quit right after she read The Epoch Times Solemn Statement.

Brother, Sister, and Brother-in-Law Quit the CCP, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers

My sister and her husband are young. Like most of their peers, they just want to have a good life, but they are also concerned about their future and direction. So, when I told them about the rationale of saving themselves by quitting the CCP, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers, they both readily agreed. My brother used to be a student CCP member. When I was illegally sentenced by the CCP for practicing Falun Gong and locked up in a remote mountain prison in Southern China, my brother who had never been away from home traveled a long way to visit me. But when I encouraged him to make the three renouncements, he was very against it, and was unwilling to read the Nine Commentaries. At that time, I thought maybe it was because he was still very young and stubborn. Hence he was egoistical and mistakenly thought the CCP was equivalent to China and being loyal to the CCP was the same as being loyal to China. Thus when I had the opportunity, I explained to him the present social situation in China, talked about how the CCP tortured the Chinese people in history, etc. After a while my brother did not want to listen to me anymore. He said the CCP will improve. It will clean itself and will march towards democracy. More than a year later, my brother started working. Due to the nature of his job we rarely talked, not to mention meeting up. But later on when we met, he unexpectedly talked to me about the corruption and despotic attitude amongst the CCP’s cadre members, and told me some hidden goings-on in their system. I think perhaps this is because he now has a personal realization of the CCP’s regime through his real life and work, so he no longer tenaciously holds on to his own opinion. Eventually, I asked him over the phone if he wanted to quit the CCP and he happily agreed.