Fall Head Over Heels With These Bite-Sized Cupcakes (Video)

Do you like baking and shopping for high - heels? Then, you should definitely try making these cupcakes. Kayli Butler and her daughter turn ordinary cupcakes into high-heeled-shaped desserts.
Epoch Video

Do you like baking and shopping for high- heels? Then, you should definitely try making these cupcakes. Kayli Butler and her daughter turn ordinary cupcakes into high-heeled-shaped desserts. 

What do you need?

  • Regular cupcakes
  • Decorative Frosting
  • Cupcake liners
  • Regular Frosting
  • Pirouette Cookies
  • Milano cookies


1. Once your cupcake is baked and out of the oven, start by putting some icing on it. 

2. Then, take a milano cookie and push into the cupcake. 

3.  For the heel of the cupcake - start by cutting the pirouette cookies to the size you want your heels to be. Then, with some frosting or melted chocolate, added to both ends of the cookie (top and bottom of the heel), these heels are placed below the milano cookie. 

4. Finally outline your shoes with little dots using the frosting.

 You can design these cupcakes by adding your own personal touch to it. They are really easy and a great party idea. So go creative and try these delicious sweet treats. 

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