EU, Ukraine Stall Signing Pact Over Jailed Former PM

European Union leaders refused to ink a landmark trade and political agreement with Kyiv on Monday over accusations of politically motivated justice in Ukraine.
EU, Ukraine Stall Signing Pact Over Jailed Former PM
The President of European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, is pictured during a joint press conference in Kyiv on Dec. 19. (Vladimir Borodin/The Epoch Times)
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KYIV, Ukraine—European Union leaders refused to ink a landmark trade and political agreement with Kyiv on Monday over accusations of politically motivated justice in Ukraine. 

The President of European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, refereed a number of domestic developments that have cooled mutual ties recently, but singled out the conviction of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. 

Tymoshenko was recently sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of abuse of power in negotiating a natural gas deal with Russia when she was in power.

“Our strong concern is primarily related to the risks of politically motivated justice in Ukraine. The Tymoshenko trial is the most striking example,” said Rompuy at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych during the EU-Ukraine summit in Kyiv. 

“Media freedom and freedom of assembly are also key for a full fledged democracy. Shortcomings have to be corrected,” Rompuy also said.

The EU declared that the both sides had finished negotiations over the agreement, but said making the deal official would depend on Ukraine’s political circumstances. 

Next year’s parliamentary elections in Ukraine would be a “litmus test” Rompuy said.

Rompuy noted that the deterioration in Ukraine in upholding democratic values and following the rule of law has had an impact on EU’s member states, the European Parliament, and among the EU public. 

Yanukovych did not comment directly on Rompuy’s statement about the Tymoshenko case, but said that Kyiv was open to any dialogue and was ready to prepare for signing the agreement. 

Ukraine started negotiating the association agreement that includes a free trade zone in 2007, but the talks have been difficult because of stalled political reforms in the country. The goal is to deepen Ukraine’s political association and economic integration with the EU.

Tymoshenko supporters and Yanukovych opponents protested near the president’s office where the summit took place calling for EU leaders to impose sanctions on Ukrainian authorities and demand the release of political prisoners. 

Tymoshenko also faces new charges over tax evasion when she ran a gas company between 1998 and 2001.

Since being taken into custody in August, Tymoshenko’s health has reportedly been declining and is now in the prison’s medical wing. Her requests for appeal hearings have so far been rejected after judges ruled that there are no grounds to review the sentence. The nature of Tymoshenko’s illness has not been made public.

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