The Epoch Times iOS app as of Nov. 12 is the No. 1 app in the Magazine & Newspaper category in the Apple store. We would like to thank all of our readers for making this possible.
Readers deserve and demand factual and unbiased reporting, and we would like to say that we hear you clearly.
Download The Epoch Times app here.
Our principles of factual and unbiased reporting are in our DNA. Since our organization was founded in the United States by Chinese-Americans, The Epoch Times has been exposing the Chinese regime’s persecution of the Chinese people, rejecting the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda, and exposing its infiltration of the United States.We have been covering President Donald Trump factually and without bias from the day he announced his presidential bid, while some mainstream media have shown bias against him. We apply the same principles to any candidate running for public office, regardless of party.
Pursuing the truth is never an easy task.
In America, our advertisers have been threatened by Chinese consular officials and our newspaper boxes have been vandalized. In Hong Kong, one of our printing presses was set on fire. Recently, attacks have come from our peers—other U.S. media organizations that don’t agree with our reporting.
However, we know you—our readers—are always at our side; our app downloads are soaring and the amount of positive feedback we’re receiving is overwhelming. The Epoch Times app so far has over 1 million downloads on the iOS and Android app stores combined, and it’s one of the highest-rated apps.
However, the mission of restoring public confidence in journalism is far from complete.
We will continue our factual and unbiased reporting and seek to uphold the highest standards of traditional journalism.