English-Speaking Child Threatens America Before Beheading a Man in New ISIS Video

A gruesome new ISIS video shows an English speaking child soldier behead a man on camera. Pointing his sword at the camera, the child soldier says “Hey America, these are the soldiers you armed and you spent money on to fight the Sharia of Allah. We will destroy them as we destroyed the Sahawat of Iraq. You can’t escape.”
English-Speaking Child Threatens America Before Beheading a Man in New ISIS Video
Screenshot of video, via zerocensorship.com
Jonathan Zhou

A gruesome new ISIS video shows an English-speaking child soldier behead a man on camera.

Pointing his sword at the camera, the child soldier says, “Hey America, these are the soldiers you armed and you spent money on to fight the Sharia of Allah. We will destroy them as we destroyed the Sahawat of Iraq. You can’t escape.”

The boy is likely referring to the United States having spent hundreds of millions funding rebel fighters in Syria. Sahawat, or “awakening” in Arabic, refers to indigenous anti-ISIS groups that have sprung up in ISIS territory.

The boy adds that ISIS and its enemies will “meet on the hills of Dabiq,” a small Syrian town believed by ISIS to be the location of a prophesied battle that will trigger the apocalypse, the BBC reports.

(Screenshot of video, via zerocensorship.com)
(Screenshot of video, via zerocensorship.com)
(Screenshot of video, via zerocensorship.com)
(Screenshot of video, via zerocensorship.com)

He then beheads the prisoner, robed in orange.

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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