End of Summer Checklist

Summer never fails to go by in a flash. One minute you’re slipping on a swimsuit and the next, you’re snuggling up in a sweater.
End of Summer Checklist
Now is the time to prepare your home for fall and winter.(Aleksan Ghojoyan/Photos.com)

Summer never fails to go by in a flash. One minute you’re slipping on a swimsuit and the next, you’re snuggling up in a sweater. While it’s important to savour those final warm days, it’s also key to spend a little time preparing your home for fall and winter. That means checking to see that both the exterior and the interior are ready for cooler temps and potentially harsh weather.

1. Inspect the deck

One quick go-round to check for cracks, loose boards and wiggly railings can make a huge difference. Tend to small repairs now and your deck has a much better chance of staying in tip-top shape through the fall and winter. You'll also minimize the risk of potential slips and falls. Post fix-up, throw a coat of sealant on to prevent damage from future snow, ice and rain.

2. Know your flow

Air flow, that is. Clearing ducts, baseboard heaters and dryer vents of dust and debris will reduce your risk of a fire and create a smoother flow of warm air throughout the house.

3. Turn up the heat

The last thing you’re probably thinking about during summer’s last blaze is your heating system. That said, pre-fall is actually the perfect time to have it serviced by a licensed heating contractor. They'll change furnace filters and check to make sure everything is running efficiently, so you’re less likely to have problems when winter rears its blustery head.

4. Seal the deal

Windows and doors are major culprits when it comes to abnormally high heating bills. Instead of paying through the nose to keep your home warm, check the frames for small cracks and separations and apply weather stripping and caulk where needed. Don’t forget to attend to basement and attic windows as well as your garage door. A properly sealed home keeps heat in, reducing the size of your bill.

5. Reverse your fans

Strange but true: Switch the direction of your ceiling fan and you'll up the warmth in your home, especially in vaulted rooms. The upward draft pulls warm air down from the ceiling and distributes it throughout. As a result, you may even be able to lower the thermostat by a degree or two.

6. Test your winter equipment

Snow may be months off, but you don’t want to get caught without the right equipment. Check to see that your snow blower runs smoothly and that shovels and rakes are in good shape well before the blizzard hits.

7. Play the chimney sweep

Nothing beats a warm fire on a chilly fall night. But if you’ve got animals nesting in your chimney, your flue doesn’t open properly or there’s a general build-up of dirt and debris, you could be looking at a potential disaster rather than a cozy evening. Take the time to make sure the unit is clean and in working order before you attempt to set anything ablaze.

8. Properly store outdoor furniture

Patio furniture and outdoor grills left to weather the elements probably aren’t going to be usable next summer. Protect your investment and put them away. That doesn’t mean just tossing them in a shed or garage—they still may get dusty, rusty and damaged. To keep each piece looking good-as-new, enclose them in a weatherproof cover and then stack them indoors.

Article originally published by EiEi Homes Inc. For more information on articles, reviews, and contractors in your area, please see their website at www.eieihome.com.