Enbridge Promo Video Backfires

Canadian energy giant Enbridge is facing a flurry of criticism online for deleting a huge swath of islands from a promotional video for its Northern Gateway pipeline.
Enbridge Promo Video Backfires
Matthew Little

Canadian energy giant Enbridge is facing a flurry of criticism online for deleting a huge swath of islands from a promotional video for its Northern Gateway pipeline.

By not including the islands along the Douglas Channel, a major inlet on the British Columbia Coast, Enbridge made the controversial sea route oil tankers would navigate to the pipeline’s port destination seem much wider and easier to traverse than it actually is.

A popular Facebook share shows the actual sea route side-by-side with Enbridge’s edited version, with a demand Enbridge pull its “misleading ad.”

The Enbridge animation has also prompted director Dave Shortt and producer Dana Rodden to create a short film titled “This is not an Enbridge animation.”

Kinuseo Falls, Bear Lake, and Burns Lake, beautiful and picturesque landmarks on the pipelines route are featured in the montage video of nature footage. Each segment notes in writing: “This waterfall is real,” “This river is real,” “And yes, these islands are real too.”

“Let’s get real about what’s at risk,” it finishes.

Enbridge has included a disclaimer of sorts that their video is broadly representational, but has decided to leave it up on its website.

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