Elite Canada-US WWII Commando Unit Honoured in Washington

More than 40 surviving members of the Devil’s Brigade, an elite Canada-U.S. commando unit, have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour.
Elite Canada-US WWII Commando Unit Honoured in Washington
Canadian veteran Charles Mann (L) and U.S. veteran Eugene Gutierrez stand following the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal during a ceremony on Capitol Hill in Washington on Feb. 3, 2015. The award was given to the surviving members of the First Special Service Force, aka the Devil’s Brigade, whose fearlessness and bravery contributed to the liberation of Europe and the end of World War II. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
The Canadian Press

WASHINGTON—A group of Canadian veterans have received the United States’ highest civilian award for their role in a legendary military unit whose exploits dazzled moviegoers at home and tormented Nazis abroad.

In a stately ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on Feb. 3, the Second World War vets received the Congressional Gold Medal—an extremely high distinction that is rarely given to non-Americans.

The award was given to more than 40 surviving members of the Devil’s Brigade, the elite Canada-U.S. unit that was the precursor to both countries’ modern special forces.

Politicians told stories about the unit’s role in the liberation of Europe, particularly with the invasion of Italy.

These men saved the free world.
House Speaker John Boehner

The highest-ranking member of Congress teared up during Tuesday’s presentation: “These men saved the free world,” said House Speaker John Boehner. “Now (they) are free to savour the triumph and to share their stories for years to come.”

The First Special Service Force members earned their nickname after Nazis supposedly referred to them as the “Black Devils,” a reference to the shoe polish they smeared on their faces to attack under cover of night.

As for their deadliness, Boehner cited a statistic: For every soldier they lost in battle, the Devil’s Brigade killed 25.

The top member of the Senate, meanwhile, compared their exploits to Hollywood.

“Sometimes truth can be more impressive than fiction,” Senate Speaker Mitch McConnell said.

“[They] excelled in rock-climbing and amphibious assault. They advanced on skis and through the air. They survived by stealth and trained in demolition.

“Some of their more daring mission plans would have made James Bond blush ... but this isn’t some Hollywood script.”

Actually, it was a Hollywood script, years later.

The soldiers’ feats inspired the 1968 movie “The Devil’s Brigade,” starring William Holden. And that film holds special memories for the Canadian cabinet minister on hand at the congressional ceremony.

Veterans Affairs Minister Erin O'Toole said that when he joined the military, he and his fellow grunts used their first break in three weeks of boot camp in B.C. to watch that movie.

O'Toole told the crowd that Canadians and Americans have repeatedly fought together for several generations now—from the First World War to the current mission against Islamist militants.

He said the special forces now training Peshmerga and other fighters in the Middle East can trace back their lineage to Devil’s Brigade. And he noted the rarity of Tuesday’s honour.

The only other Canadian believed to have received the Congressional Gold Medal also inspired a Hollywood movie. That was Ken Taylor, the Canadian diplomat who helped U.S. hostages escape Iran in events captured in the movie “Argo.” He received the award in 1980.

As for those honoured Tuesday, they responded with humility. When asked about one of the colourful compliments, Canadian vet Charles Mann downplayed it.

“Well, James Bond was a pretty wild character. I don’t know that we were that wild,” said the Ontario vet. “We did our jobs the best we knew how. We were well-trained, and we could handle
ourselves pretty good.”

One-third of those honoured were from Canada. The men stayed at a hotel near the Pentagon where they reminisced about old times.

They also recalled old friends. One was Al Wilson of Hamilton. He was scheduled to attend the ceremony, but died the day before. For all the horrors that war produced, Mann said, it created lifelong friendships.

“War is hell, there’s no doubt about that. But sometimes you can get a good thing coming out of it. And I got something.”