Elderly Shanghai Couple Reveals Their Method to Stay Safe From COVID

Elderly Shanghai Couple Reveals Their Method to Stay Safe From COVID
A health worker takes a swab sample from a woman to test for the Covid-19 coronavirus in the Jing'an district in Shanghai on December 7, 2022. (Hector Retamal / AFP via Getty Images)

Amid a massive surge of COVID in mainland China, many elderly have become infected and died. A couple over 90 years old in a nursing home in Shanghai have stayed safe and healthy. Their daughter revealed what they believe protected them.

Most of the elderly in the nursing home have contracted COVID-19, according to the couple’s daughter Chu Min, who spoke to The Epoch Times using a pseudonym for fear of reprisals.

The nursing home has been isolated from the outside world since last year when Shanghai was locked down due to a previous round of COVID outbreak. “But because the staff go home once a week for two days, some staff may have brought the virus in when they returned to the nursing home, and it spread to the entire nursing home. Now is the most serious time. According to the caregivers in the nursing home, there are three to five elderly people who die every day,” she said.

The elderly in many rooms on the floor where Chu’s parents lived were infected. She said, “My parents are fine. They are 92 and 93 years old. They are very lucky and blessed.”

During their family trip to Hong Kong 10 years ago, they passed by a booth introducing the spiritual practice Falun Gong, Chu recounted.

Falun Gong is composed of meditative exercises and a set of moral teachings rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs that revolve around the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The practice surged in popularity in China during the 1990s resulting in an estimated 100 million adherents. Deeming this a threat, the communist regime launched a sweeping persecution of Falun Gong, resulting in millions of adherents being thrown into detention facilities where they have been subjected to torture, cruel treatment, and forced organ harvesting.

Unlike in mainland China, Falun Gong adherents are able to freely practice in Hong Kong.

Falun Gong practitioners take part in a march in Hong Kong on April 27, 2019. (DALE DE LA REY/AFP via Getty Images)
Falun Gong practitioners take part in a march in Hong Kong on April 27, 2019. (DALE DE LA REY/AFP via Getty Images)

They didn’t believe it very much at the time, but they felt that withdrawing from the CCP would not do them any harm, and they could use pseudonyms for safety reasons, so the whole family agreed to quit. Chu’s father used to be the Party secretary of a company in Shanghai before retiring.

“We are blessed because of it. I and my husband had very mild symptoms and recovered soon after we got infected.”

She said that there are too many dead bodies in Shanghai funeral homes waiting to be cremated now in this latest COVID outbreak.

“Now they are queuing up all day and all night for cremation. If you want to get a number slightly earlier in the queue, you need to pay 30,000 yuan [about $4,300] per number. If someone died at home, it is very pitiful, because of the long wait at the crematories it’s impossible to get a number to be cremated, and some corpses were left at home for six or seven days [before they were taken away for cremation].”

Plague and Ways to Avoid It

Heng He, a China affairs commentator based in the United States who has a background in medical science, told The Epoch Times that before the CCP abruptly lifted its zero-COVID restrictions last December, many people were already infected but had mild symptoms.

“How could the infected people become severely ill once the CCP’s policy changed? The situation in the hospitals cannot be concealed. Doctors know how many people are seriously ill. It is really something beyond the scope of human knowledge and science.”

He said, “We knew that this virus was aimed at the CCP at the earliest time, so it was called the CCP virus. It was called that way three years ago. Many people did not believe it, and the CCP also opposed it.

“In fact, for this virus, we really can’t use our existing human knowledge ... to explain it. To a large extent, we really have to look at it from another perspective.”

Heng noted that many people have observed that before the change of a dynasty, a plague always appears, and the plague will disappear after the change of a dynasty. This is a historical pattern.

He cited the fall of the Roman Empire as an example. “Actually, the plague largely indicates the change of regime, which means that the regime can no longer be maintained. In fact, it is God or the higher power that is going to abandon this regime,” he said.

"The Plague of Rome" engraving by Levasseur after the painting by Jules Elie Delauney. (Welcome Images/CC-By-4.0)
"The Plague of Rome" engraving by Levasseur after the painting by Jules Elie Delauney. (Welcome Images/CC-By-4.0)
Heng believes that the same thing is happening now in communist China. “The CCP has ruled China for so many years, especially in recent decades, it has owed Chinese people too much, and the sins it has committed are too great. So that place is full of karma and grievances,” he said, referring to ancient Chinese beliefs that good and evil will be returned in kind. 
Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of the spiritual discipline Falun Gong, wrote in a March 2020 article: “Pandemics and plagues are part of a divine plan and inevitable in the course of history. When people become immoral they generate karma, become sick, and experience disastrous things.”

“But a pandemic like the current Chinese Communist Virus (or ‘Wuhan Virus’) comes with a purpose behind it, and it has targets. It is here to weed out members of the Party and those who have sided with it,” Mr. Li wrote. “So now that the divine is starting to eradicate it, all who still stand by it shall perish. Those who doubt this can wait and see.”

Mr. Li suggested in the article that people “withdraw from China’s three major communist organizations,“ or ”sincerely say the true words,“ referring to ”Falun Dafa Hao; Zhen, Shan, Ren Hao“, which means ”Falun Dafa is good; truth, compassion, and forbearance are good.”

“All of these are the best medicine possible,” Mr. Li wrote.

Researchers have found that a calm mind and meditation with positive thoughts can help boost immunity and enhance the human body’s ability to regenerate. 
Luo Ya contributed to this report.
Alex Wu is a U.S.-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on Chinese society, Chinese culture, human rights, and international relations.
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