Dream Coming True

Chelsea Edwards shares the story of her late friend Shannen Koostachin’s dream for better schools and education opportunities for First Nations children on reserves.
Dream Coming True
Chelsea Edwards talks to reporters on Feb. 27 as NDP Aboriginal Affairs critic Linda Duncan looks on. Matthew Little/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
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Chelsea Edwards

Chelsea Edwards, a 16-year-old from Attawapiskat First Nation near James Bay, spoke to reporters on Feb. 27 on Parliament Hill, accompanied by NDP Aboriginal Affairs critic Linda Duncan.

Edwards shared the story of her late friend Shannen Koostachin.

Koostachin’s dream was for better schools and education opportunities for First Nations children on reserves, an education comparable to that of children in provincially funded schools.

An NDP motion to that effect received unanimous support in the House of Commons on Feb. 27.

Koostachin lived in Attawapiskat, the remote community that recently made headlines over a critical housing shortage. She died in a car accident in 2010.

Koostachin advocated for “safe and comfy schools” for all First Nations children across Canada.