Dr. David Bell on ‘100-Days Vaccines’ and New Lockdown Policies

Public health doctor David Bell talks about the government agencies lies regarding COVID measures, and their plan to reiterate the measures in order to get profits and power.
Dr. David Bell on ‘100-Days Vaccines’ and New Lockdown Policies
Former WHO official and expert in global health and infectious disease Dr. David Bell talks on American Thought Leaders on Aug. 30, 2023. The Epoch Times
Efthymis Oraiopoulos
Jan Jekielek

There is a high possibility a lockdown situation could return and get worse with a WEF-tied vaccine manufacturer talking about making a new vaccine in just a hundred days, said Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, former World Health Organization (WHO) officer, scientist, and a senior scholar with the Brownstone Institute.

He is referring to CEPI, a public-private partnership founded in Davos, Switzerland, tied to the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation, which also acts as a WHO satellite in this area, according to Dr. Bell, who gave an interview to EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program on Wednesday.

This quickly made vaccine is in response to a new variant of an unknown virus, and could give huge amounts of profit to large-scale investors in Big Pharma such as Blackrock and Vanguard.

“We have this huge industry being set up to surveil for variants. And the model that they are pushing for public health is that they will find variants. They will lock people down. They will mandate or allow them to have a vaccine to get their freedom back. And then the vaccine will make a vast profit. And then the cycle will go around, they'll find another variant. And this is a future that is sort of mapped out,” Dr. Bell argues.

“It'll be very hard to get out of once we have things like central bank digital currency or programmable currency where, if you don’t get the vaccine, they could stop you buying groceries. And we’ve seen this sort of thing already in Canada. It’s talked about by the Bank of International Settlements. These aren’t conspiracy theories.”

These are things that the people who make a profit out of this situation say they “intend to happen,” Dr. Bell said.

This is all possible because of pharmaceutical companies influencing or even running public health and a surveillance network built in tandem with governments and agencies with billions of dollars in funding. These pharmaceutical companies are aiming to give bigger returns to their investors, and not to work for the public good, according to Dr. Bell.

“We’ve got to start seeing this as an industry and not as an altruistic arm of government that’s just there for the greater good. It’s there to make money for their investors,” Dr. Bell said.

Investor Double-Play

These same investors are heavily invested in large media outlets, so what the public gets from these media is a denigration of people who are questioning the Big Pharma products, but the people are not all aware that these media who promote this narrative are paid by the Big Pharma companies, according to Dr. Bell.

“People have got to really start to be sceptical about the world that we are in, it’s not the world that we thought we had in Western countries,” Dr. Bell said.

Given the new considerations for lockdown policies, masking, and even vaccine mandates, this system seems to still be in operation and might again infringe on people’s personal freedom unless the public refuses to comply, he added.

American Thought Leaders host Jan Jekielek added that a rather strange piece appeared in the Wall Street Journal, which published an opinion piece titled “No Covid Compliance This Time,” with its author saying “I sold my God given freedom too cheaply. I won’t be fooled again.”

Dr. Bell said that a lot of people feel that and that it is hard to believe that so many complied. However, many are now questioning these agencies because of information becoming more widely known, such as the lies about the efficacy of the vaccines and masking, the FDA backtracking on ivermectin, as well as people losing their jobs because of the vaccine mandate that the CDC told their companies to impose, even though now it is clear that there was no public health reason for it.

He continued saying that there was no actual data from real vaccine trials that showed that the vaccines could save lives, and the safety testing was not sufficient either. As an example, the latest vaccine specific to an Omicron variant was tested only on eight mice before being put into humans, he said.

Lockdown Side Effects

A lot of people are less healthy now as dangerous diseases were also downplayed during the COVID measures, with cancer and heart patients not receiving adequate screenings, and with obesity increasing, for example a 30 percent increase in California after the lockdowns (pdf).
Dr. Bell also noted a shocking statistic from the CDC, which said that 1 in 38 children in America have autism, adding that this was once a very rare disease in children.

The pharmaceutical industry is funding research on these diseases, so they are not going to want findings that could jeopardize their profits. So they downplay the other chronic disease burdens and put all the emphasis on a disease that could devastate the Earth, something like “a meteorite hitting the Earth,” which is something highly unlikely, “unlesss you surmise that human manipulation of pathogens is going to cause a leak or an outbreak,” according to Dr. Bell.

An example is a paper published in Nature saying that normal levels of vitamin D could save one-third of people that died from COVID-19, knowledge that is considered a conspiracy theory from mainstream media, but is actually basic immunology, according to Dr. Bell.

Profit and Money

Public health is benefiting from this situation so no help is to be expected from them, and there is only a minority of politicians who understand what is going on, Dr. Bell said.

So the public cannot expect a solution from these areas but people have to themselves question what the CDC has been telling them and they need to not be scared to check other sources of information labeled as far-right or conspiracy theories by the mainstream media, he said.

Many people still trust these authorities and “haven’t figured out that in the end, this is about profit and money.”

So what the public faces now is the possibility of the formation of an international fascist state, with a technocracy at the top, based on lockdowns and other public health measures, unless people stop complying.

According to Dr. Bell, these authorities and agencies existing today can give advice but they cannot take away freedom or tell to the people how to live.

Concluding, Dr. Bell said that people should stop complying with this direction if they cherish the sovereignty of the individual and want to live in a country that respects it, and that people also “have to get away from this left-right thing it’s going on,” as people are faced with a choice between freedom or fascism, a choice that probably will have to make fairly soon.

Efthymis Oraiopoulos is a news writer for NTD, focusing on U.S., sports, and entertainment news.
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