Dozens Injured After Walking on Hot Coals at Tony Robbins Event

Dozens Injured After Walking on Hot Coals at Tony Robbins Event
Tony Robbins attends the screening of 'Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru' during the Music, Film + Interactive Festival on in Austin, Texas. (Mike Windle/Getty Images)

Dozens were burned and at least five had to be hospitalized after participating in the fire walking event as part of the festivities in a four-day Tony Robbins event held at the Dallas Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center on Thursday, June 23.

Tony Robbins is an American motivational speaker and author of books such as “Unlimited Power,” and “Unleash the Power Within.” Similarly, the motive behind the fire walk—walking on beds of hot coal—is to cultivate ideas of unleashing power and overcoming fears in the walk participants.

“Apparently, as part of a motivational event being held at the location, several people attempted to walk across hot coals,” Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans told CBS Dallas-Fort Worth. “As a result, a large number of these people sustained burn injuries to their feet and lower extremities.”

Despite the injuries, others stressed the positive aspects of Robbins’s event.

“This guy completely transformed the way I view and the way I think. For me it’s like a yearly routine, physical that you'd go to a doctor for. I get him to get me focused and push myself,” said Jacqueline Luzenberg, a fire walk participant to Fox4 News Dallas-Fort Worth

“The fire walk often becomes the focal point for a lot of people because you know it is something a lot of people don’t believe is possible to do. If you had been in the room, Tony often says this isn’t about fire-walking. This is about facing your fears and moving forward,” said Tad Schinke, Robbins’s head trainer.

Schinke adds that 7,000 participated in the walk without injury, and that medical staff are always on site to offer quick help if needed.

As many as five additional ambulances and two EMS supervisors were sent to the scene of last night’s event. According to a statement from Robbins’s company as per CBS Dallas, the reason for the abundance of medical services was that someone not familiar with the event had called 911 after seeing so many people with burnt feet. 

“We are pleased to have completed another successful fire walk for 7,000 guests and look forward to the remainder of an outstanding weekend with them,” the statement says.

Robbins’s event in Dallas is scheduled through Sunday.