Dogs Take to Fishing Like Ducks to Water

Epoch Video

It is not just humans that know how to fish, but man’s best friend as well at show in a video going viral online. In this video, watch as a dog runs wild in a nearby stream in pursuit of fish, and manages to catch several fish of his own with surprising speed and agility in the process. The results, and the dogs speed and efficiency, have shocked viewers and lifelong dog owners.

Set lose to enjoy the water and splash around, the dog immediately sets off in pursuit of catching fish splashing about as they move quickly dog stream. With ease, he captures one after another and slowly brings them over to the shore line, leaving a nice pile by his owner’s feet as a testament to his success. The whole moment is captured in a nearly 3-minute long video making the rounds on Facebook.

Dog owners have loved the playful pup and its display of such a unique and resourceful skill. While few have commented that their dog does something similar, it seems the fishing quality is displayed by this pup is a rarity. You will just have to see it all for yourself.

Credit: Storyful

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