Dog Rescued From the Brink of Death

Dog Rescued From the Brink of Death
Epoch Newsroom

They found a dog that looked so bad, he appeared to be dead.


But the dog, Patrick, was still alive so they rushed him to the animal shelter. The owners had tossed the dog down a garbage chute.

The pit bull mix was sent to Associated Humane Societies’ Newark Animal Shelter, reported an Imgur user.


“The veterinary staff immediately put him on intravenous fluid. His temperature was so low that it did not even register on the thermometer. He was covered with heating pads and blankets,” The Patrick Miracle said on Facebook.

Then Patrick was sent to Garden State Veterinary Specialists, who worked hard to keep him alive.


Fortunately, Patrick survived the key 24 hours and has been recovering ever since. He was given a good bath, a blood transfusion, and lots of care.

“Patrick’s story began to circulate online, and people were shocked and disgusted by the cruelty this poor animal faced. Support came pouring in, and more than $30,000 in donations was raised in just three days,” Trippinmeowt wrote on Imgur.

(The Patrick Miracle/Facebook)
The Patrick Miracle/Facebook

The owner who had discarded Patrick was discovered and eventually pled guilty to one county of fourth-degree animal cruelty. The woman received 18 months of probation and had to pay a $2,000 fine.

For his bravery, Patrick was entered into the New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association’s Animal Hall of Fame. He has also been placed with a loving family.