Doctor Blasts White House’s Annual COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

Doctor Blasts White House’s Annual COVID-19 Vaccination Plan
Mackenzie Bubel, 8, receives a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine booster shot at Skippack Pharmacy in Schwenksville, Pa., on June 2, 2022. (Hannah Beier/Reuters)
Steve Lance
Naveen Athrappully

The Biden administration’s plan to make COVID-19 shots an annual event has come under criticism from some experts, including a medical doctor in Oklahoma who said the move will serve corporate interests.

In a statement released Sept. 8, the White House revealed its plan to get more Americans injected with an updated COVID-19 vaccine.

“As the virus continues to change, we will now be able to update our vaccines annually to target the dominant variant,” the statement said. The Biden administration has secured more than 170 million doses of the updated vaccines to be distributed to Americans.

Dr. Jim Meehan, who operates a functional medicine practice, said the push to continue vaccinating people with COVID-19 shots and boosters is not based in science or medicine.

“This is not the scientific process. This, in my opinion, this is corporatocracy. This is the FDA being captured by the pharmaceutical industry,” Meehan said in a recent interview for NTD’s “Capitol Report“ program.

Meehan said it’s not surprising that the pharmaceutical companies are trying to turn COVID-19 shots into a revenue stream.

Individuals at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who pushed for making pharmaceutical companies commit to more experiments and safety trials on the COVID-19 vaccines have been removed from the agency, Meehan says. Two leaders of the FDA’s vaccine division resigned after being frustrated due to being pressured by the Biden administration.

The updated vaccine has only been tested in eight mice, Meehan pointed out, and the tests were only conducted to see if the vaccine produced more antibodies.

“Antibody elevation does not equate to protection,” he said.

An annual vaccine “isn’t going to help anybody except the pharmaceutical company,” Meehan said, since the efficacy of these shots lasts only three to four months at best. Moreover, the antibodies seem to be “enhancing” the coronavirus.

More Deaths

After going through more than 11,000 vaccine adverse event reports, Meehan found that there were over 30,000 reports of death in a database set up by Congress to monitor the safety signals of vaccines.

He believes the database is underreporting by a factor of 41, which would put COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths of Americans at about 1.2 million.

Pharmaceutical companies have no liability in such events, and no one is held accountable, Meehan said.

“Historically, this is the biggest mistake we’ve ever made in the history of medicine, science, the scientific method,” he said.

Some people who have taken COVID-19 vaccines are experiencing heart inflammation, Meehan stated. Young athletes are being compelled to get vaccinated by their athletic organizations.

People who have statistically zero risk of dying from the virus are being coerced into taking a shot and are paying a terrible price, he said.

Studies published in journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association show that young men who receive a COVID-19 vaccine are at 133 times greater risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) from the injection than from the virus itself, Meehan said.

No adequate safety tests have been conducted on the vaccine, and low-level observational studies funded by pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. are being used instead, which in itself represents a conflict of interest, Meehan stated.

“We’re getting pseudoscience to support a false narrative for a vaccine that has failed and we’re just continuing to push it in more and more arms. I don’t know what’s driving that,“ he said. ”I really don’t know what level of incompetence, ignorance, or perhaps malevolence is driving it, but it’s got to stop.”

Steve Lance is the host of Capitol Report, a political news show based in Washington aimed at providing a direct channel to the voices and people who shape policy in America. Capitol Report features all of the political news of the day with expert interviews and analysis.
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