Denmark Limits Travel From All Countries to Try to Check Virus

Denmark Limits Travel From All Countries to Try to Check Virus
Passengers wear masks as they walk at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport in Vantaa, Finland, on July 13, 2020. (Roni Rekomaa/Lehtikuva/Reuters)

COPENHAGEN—Denmark will restrict travel from all countries from Jan. 9, and has advised against going abroad, to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, in particular the more transmissible mutations first found in Britain and South Africa.

The move follows a decision this week to further tighten an already stringent economic and social lockdown.

Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod told reporters on Friday that the travel measures were “a logical consequence of the domestic measures taken by the government in the last few days”.

Danish authorities have so far found no trace of the South African coronavirus variant, but they estimate that the British variant will be the dominant one in Denmark by mid-February.

From Friday, entry to Denmark will be limited to people with a credible purpose and proof of a negative coronavirus test no older than 24 hours, Transport Minister Benny Engelbrecht told the news conference.

The travel restrictions will remain in place until at least Jan. 17.

By Nikolaj Skydsgaard