Democrats Have No Message for 2022: Brandon Tatum

Democrats Have No Message for 2022: Brandon Tatum
Brandon Tatum in an interview with The Epoch Times at a TurningPointUSA event in Phoenix, Ariz., in December 2021. (The Epoch Times)
Harry Lee

The Democrats have no message for 2022 and will “feel the heat” in the midterm elections, says Brandon Tatum, a popular public speaker and personality.

“The left does not have a message. The Democrats do not have a message,” Tatum told The Epoch Times during a Turning Point USA event in Phoenix last week.

“They told us they were going to come in, and then they were going to eradicate COVID. And now, every five minutes, there’s a new variant. And then you got to get a booster, and you got to get a booster to the booster that you got a booster for. And it’s never going to stop. And people are sick of it,” Tatum said.

During his campaign trail, President Joe Biden criticized then-President Donald Trump for his pandemic response and pledged to combat COVID-19 more effectively. But almost a year after Biden took office, Americans still haven’t returned to a normal life, and the death toll from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus in 2021 has surpassed that of 2020. The Biden administration has been pushing for vaccine mandates, urging people to get boosters, even though the mandates have been challenged in courts.

“Because people are having real-world experiences with the virus ... and they can decide for themselves if they want to take calculated risks,” Tatum added, signaling his disapproval of the government infringing upon personal medical decisions. “And so I think that they’re going to feel the heat, come 2022 midterm elections. And in 2024, I think it’s going to be a landslide.”

Tatum said the number of Republican voters would increase substantially, because the Democrats have been out of touch with ordinary people.

“I don’t think it’s because of the Republicans. I think it’s because of the Democrats,” Tatum continued. “They are so much engulfed in lunacy that the average person is looking at them like, what are you guys even talking about? The crime rate is out of control, and you’re still arguing about the police? We got real issues, inflation is out of control; we’re trying to provide for our families, and you’re arguing over Trump? He’s not even a president anymore,” said Tatum.

“I think they’re losing touch with the populace, and we’re going to see a backlash.”

As a former Arizona police officer, Tatum also criticized the “defund the police” movement.

“We see the murder rate is up in just virtually almost every city that cried about defunding the police. And it’s not rocket science. It’s a simple mathematical equation: We need the police. Who else is going to go out there and protect and serve? Who else is going to go out there and arrest the bad guys when they’re doing things they are not supposed to do according to the law?”

In June, Tatum told The Epoch Times that “Defund the police” has a broader agenda, and it’s not to stop the killing of black people.

Tatum explained that the agenda is to dismantle local police departments. If law enforcement is federalized, the federal government will be able to more easily enforce unconstitutional mandates or restrictions, such as those involving vaccines or guns.

Last month, Tatum’s new book “Beaten Black and Blue: Being a Black Cop in an America Under Siege,” was published. In the book, he shared how Black cops—or any cops—maintain the motivation and commitment to do their job in an era of civil unrest and political divide.

“When you demonize them, when you defund them or even push a rhetoric of defunding them, you’re going to have police officers who quit the job. Senior officers who have relationships in the community, they’re going to retire early. And then they are going to have to dumb down the standards, and you’re going to get subpar police officers who are joining the force, and it’s going to be a residual negative effect moving forward,” Tatum explained in the interview.

“So it’s clear as the noonday sun when you treat them poorly, they’re going to perform poorly, and you’re not going to get the outcome that you want in the community.”

Nick Vandennieuwenhof, Masooma Haq, and Jan Jekielek contributed to this report.