Democrats Have Failed to Tie Capitol Breach to Trump, Says Defense Attorney David Schoen

Democrats Have Failed to Tie Capitol Breach to Trump, Says Defense Attorney David Schoen
David Schoen, defense lawyer for former President Donald Trump, speaks on the first day of former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb 9, 2021. ( via Getty Images)

David Schoen, former President Donald Trump’s defense attorney, told reporters on Thursday that the Democrats, while “making a movie,” have failed to tie the Capitol breach to Trump.

“I think they’re making a movie,” Schoen said. “You know, they haven’t in any way tied it to Donald Trump.”

“And I think it’s offensive. Quite frankly, it’s antithetical [to] the healing process to continue to show the tragedy that happened here that Donald Trump has condemned, and I think it tears at the American people, quite frankly.”

A reporter asked the attorney why they broke from the trial to do a live shot.

“It’s more of the same thing. They’re showing the same repetitive videos. [Making] points that don’t exist.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) told Fox on Wednesday that although the Democrats highlighted Trump’s “fight like hell” remark numerous times, they obviated completely another section of Trump’s speech where he told protestors to be peaceful.

“Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” Trump said on Jan 6.

“The one line from the president’s speech that wasn’t in the Democrats’ video is the line that’s most important, and that’s where the president said, ‘Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,’” Jordan said.

Another lawyer representing Trump in the impeachment trial, Bruce Castor, said House Democrats hadn’t presented any new information in the nearly eight-hour session on Wednesday.

“Yesterday, we said we didn’t dispute that the breach of the capital is a terrible thing, and that mob violence is something that President Trump abhors. So we didn’t learn anything today we didn’t already know, it’s a matter of fact. I wonder why we sat through eight hours of videos that are under dispute,” Bruce Castor told reporters as he walked to his car after the session ended.

Although new footage was presented during the trial, no new evidence of the alleged incitement was presented.

Attorney for former President Donald Trump Bruce Castor speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on Feb. 10, 2021. (Joshua Roberts/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)
Attorney for former President Donald Trump Bruce Castor speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on Feb. 10, 2021. (Joshua Roberts/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

Castor said that the defense team won’t make any adjustments to the president’s defense based on what was presented Wednesday.

“I don’t know what the public has seen and I don’t think the Democrats revealed anything the public hasn’t seen from a different angle; I think it was all angles,” he said.