Dem Party Activist: ‘I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal’ to ‘Win’ 2020

Dem Party Activist: ‘I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal’ to ‘Win’ 2020
Kristopher Jacks caught on camera by Project Veritas in a clip dated Jan. 9, 2020. (Screenshot via Project Veritas/Youtube)
Petr Svab

A Democratic party activist in Colorado was recorded as saying that the “2020 is a political revolution” and that he will lie, cheat, and steal to win. He called it “morally acceptable.”

The activist is Kristopher Jacks, a leader at Our Revolution Weld County Colorado—a local branch of the Our Revolution nonprofit that spun off the 2016 presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

He was identified as “a member of the Colorado Democratic Party Executive and Central Committees” in his article published in August on the website of the Weld County Democratic Party. The article ceased to be accessible around the same time a video of Jacks making the comments was released on Oct. 13 by Project Veritas, an undercover journalism nonprofit.

“I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win,” he was recorded as saying in a clip dated Jan. 9.

“I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that’s morally acceptable in this political environment. Absolutely. We are pirates on a pirate ship and we have a bright future ahead of us or we have ‘Mad Max.’ I don’t want to—I’ve got an awesome war rig, but I don’t want to be driving it around the apocalyptic wasteland. Let’s bring in a better future and I will knock people down the stairs as long as they don’t die to make this happen.”

Jacks, the Colorado Democratic Party, the Weld County Democratic Party, and Our Revolution didn’t respond to requests for comment.

When ultimately confronted by Veritas’ founder James O'Keefe, Jacks doubled down: “Yes. I will lie to people who lie to us. I will cheat people who cheat us. ... I stand by everything that I said.”

He said he couldn’t answer what type of cheating would be done for this election. He also didn’t want to get into what positions he held in the Democratic Party, though he said he was a member.

In another Veritas clip, which appeared to be taken at an Our Revolution rally, Jacks boasted about holding positions on a number of Democratic Party committees. He said that Our Revolution members had a “comfortable majority” on the party executive committee in Weld County. He said 12 of 14 members “that go to state Democratic Party” are Our Revolution members and “almost our entire delegation” to Colorado’s 4th congressional district committee are members too.

‘Let’s Go Free People in ICE and Give Them the Guns’

Veritas said they had followed Jacks for some time. The clips show him explaining his position on political violence on multiple occasions.

Jacks indicated that a Trump 2020 victory could prompt left-wing militants to try starting a civil war. He seemed to back the idea.

“I’m going to be in my garage right next to my gun safe all night long November 3, because that’s how seriously I take this stuff,” he said.

In another instance, he said: “When it comes to civil war violence type stuff, there are always military guys, like former guys, that stand up for the right thing. … When that time comes, then we’ve got to get those types of people involved.”

In that situation, he backed an idea to arm people detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“If it comes down to that, hell yeah man, let’s go free people in ICE and give them the guns and be like: ‘Here you go. Stand up. You’ve got a grudge, let’s go do it,’” he said.

He praised the anarcho-communist group Antifa, whose followers have been behind much of the rioting in cities across America.
“I do think there needs to be a militant group and I do love Antifa for that reason. I love that there’s—you always have to have somebody that’s willing to hold up the flag and say ‘nope, this is the line in the sand and we’re the ones holding that line,’” he said.

Power by Intimidation

Jacks said the power of unions stems from intimidation based on prior uses of violence.

“They ain’t stabbing [expletive] like they used to. They don’t have to though because they used to stab people,” he said.

His political peers draw power from the same source, he indicated.

“That’s all we’ve got to say. Guillotines [expletive]. That’s all we’ve got to say. Option A, what I’m proposing. Option two, slicy boys. What are your choice—which one do you want?” he said.

When asked what he meant by guillotines, he explained:

“We have power. Populist uprisings have power because we used to kill people. We used to hand people from gas stations. We used to cut off their heads. So we don’t have to actually cut heads. We just have to say that we’re willing to cut off heads.”

If former Vice President Joe Biden wins the presidential election, Jacks talked about using intimidation to force him to go along with the far-left, progressive agenda.

“Joe Biden is presumably left-leaning and he’s got a functioning signing hand,” he said. “And as long as there is progressive legislation that comes across his desk, I am confident that we can occupy his house. We know where he’ll live.”

He indicated that his beef isn’t with Republicans only.

“Half of the struggle I have ain’t with Republicans. It isn’t with the right-wing, it’s [expletive] moderates in the Democratic Party,” he said.

‘Killing Random Nazis In the Street’

If political change was to be achieved by violence, he suggested, a way to do so would be to orchestrate assassinations of billionaires without claiming responsibility.

“You’ve got to get people that are close to billionaires and start just, random billionaires start turning up dead. And nobody knows what the [expletive] is going on. … You do that to three or four people, enough to say that this is a pattern and this is why, draw a dollar sign on their desk or whatever you do, that’s what it’s going to take. It’s going to take a strategic hit against the 0.1 percent that’s in charge. Because that’s who it is. It’s killing random nazis in the street, random [expletive] bootlickers.”

When asked which billionaires, he said “doesn’t matter.”

“I mean, [Amazon founder Jeff] Bezos at the top of the list,” he said.

Update: The article has been updated with information from an additional Project Veritas video and a response by Kristopher Jacks to Project Veritas.
Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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