Dead or Meditating?

A court has been called to rule on whether a wealthy guru is dead or in a transcendental meditative state.
Dead or Meditating?
Ashutosh Maharaj, Youtube

One of the wealthiest spiritual leaders in India has either been dead or in a transcendental meditative state since January. The Telegraph’s Dean Nelson reports from New Delhi that a court has now been asked to settle the matter. 

Ashutosh Maharaj is presently in a commercial freezer in his ashram, guarded by elders within the multinational organisation (or, self-described “socio-spiritual-cultural, not-for profit organization“) that he created. His followers insist that Maharaj is in a state of transcendent bliss called samadhi, a central tenet of traditional yoga in which a yogi becomes one with the universe.

This would seem to be at odds with the assessment of a team of local physicians who examined Maharaj in February. After performing an ECG that showed no heartbeats, noting that he had no respiratory movements, and seeing that his pupils were fixed and dilated, the physicians declared him “clinically dead.”

Because Maharaj had (has) not (yet) named a successor, his wealth is to be deposited in a charitable trust (at the time of his death). Some say this is not in the interest of the elders, who “turned greedy,” with an eye to usurping his property.

This article was originally published in The Atlantic. Read the original here.