Dad Lets Son Try Soda for the First Time Ever

Epoch Video

A video has surfaced online of the adorable moment a small boy drinks soda for the first time.

In the video, we see the boy handed a bottle of Frostie blue soda and we hear his father from off-screen ask if he would like to try it. At first the child protests and points out that not only has he never drunk soda before but that it contains sugar.

The father goes on to confirm that the drink contains a lot of sugar but also states, “Your mom’s not here so…”

The reluctant boy is still unsure so the father pops the cap off the soda bottle and takes a couple of sips himself. Hilariously the oblivious child asks, “Does it taste like bubbly water?”

Eventually, after more cajoling, the boy gingerly takes the bottle and has a sip. Clearly overjoyed by what he is tasting the boy proclaims excitedly, “Oh boy. I get to eat this? It feels tasty.”

The boy then asks if he can have another sip to which the father possibly realizing his mistake says, “Yes. It’s a lot of sugar though so you can’t have all of it.”

The boy’s surprising reaction doesn’t end there though as he goes on to say, “The more and more I drink, the more and more demons come from your hands. And after you drink all this sugar, he’ll give you the power to become a half animal.”

The worried father quickly realizing the monster he has created tells the child he can have only one more sip. Unfortunately for him, as the child drinks from the bottle, his mother enters the room demanding what is going on. The video then ends but it looks like the father may have a lot of explaining to do.

Video Credit: JukinVideo