Czech Social Democrats Facing Egg Attacks Before European Elections

Opponents of the leftist Social Democratic Party (CSSD) threw hundreds of eggs at its leaders during a pre-election meeting on Wendesday.
Czech Social Democrats Facing Egg Attacks Before European Elections
PRAGUE, Czech Republic—Opponents of the leftist Social Democratic Party (CSSD) threw hundreds of eggs at its leaders during a pre-election meeting on Wendesday. The party of Jiri Paroubek had to endure several egg attacks in the recent days, but the incident in Prague was the most intense thus far.

Such egg attacks were previously unseen in the history of Czech politics.

The party chairman was hit more than ten times, with one egg hitting his head. Despite the loud shouting and whistling, he didn’t leave the stage. The number of protesters in the meeting outnumbered the supporters. “We are here because we are afraid that the Social Democrats might team up with the communists and our parents told us that communism was a nasty period,” said Jakub Mares, one of the activists.

Social democrats condemned the actions in an official statement. They used strong words including display of primitive aggression, and fascist attacks, when they accused their main political rival, the rightist Civic Democratic Part (ODS), of organizing the disruptions.

ODS chairman and former PM Mirek Topolanek denied any link to the “egg attacks”.

Supporters of ODS have criticized Paroubek for toppling the Czech government in the middle of the Czech EU presidency. Some of them also expressed fears that his party can join the forces with the Czech communists after the national poll scheduled for October this year.

The egg attacks began two weeks ago. Tensions escalated following the CSSD pre-election meeting in the Pisek city, where a man brought a whole box of eggs and gave it to Paroubek with the words, “so we don’t have to throw them.” After the party chairman refused him, the man put the egg box on the stage. According to witnesses, the angered politician kicked the box, which landed on his supporters near the podium. Paroubek denied the accusations.

Activists use the Facebook social network; organizing themselves around a group called “An egg for Paroubek in every city.” So far the group has attracted more than 50,000 members.

President Vaclav Klaus was “alarmed” by the egg-throwers’ actions. “It’s an imminent attack on the elementary principles of the democratic competition of the political parties, which as the president and as a citizen, I ought to protect,” said Klaus in an official statement.