Cybersecurity Expert: 35,000 Fraud Votes Embedded for Democrat Candidates in Arizona

NTD Television

Cybersecurity expert and retired army colonel Phil Waldron testified in front of members of the Arizona State legislature on Monday.

Colonel Waldron presented an analysis of data that shows a vote spike on Election Day shortly after counting started.

“Arizona was a little bit different. It had a pretty strong rise right up at the front, the first part of voting day, whereas the other states have a gradual increase in votes. But this injection spike at 8:06 p.m ... is 143,100 votes that were injected, that was in excess of what the machines could have processed,” said Waldron.

He presented an email sent on Nov. 10 from an anonymous individual claiming to have witnessed a detailed plan to embed 35,000 fraud votes to each Democrat candidate’s total votes while at a Pima County Democratic Party meeting in September.

The source sent the email to the criminal division of the Department of Justice and all members of the Arizona legislature.

“Please be advised that Pima County Recorder ... and the Democratic party added ‘fraud votes’ in the initial count to the vote-by-mail totals released at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3rd, 2020,” reads the email.

“So this coincides with what we observed in the data analytics at that spike. We weren’t aware of this email until after the fact. So there were approximately 35,000 fraud votes added to each Democratic candidates’ vote totals,” said Waldron.

According to this individual, who appears to be an IT specialist in Pima County, the 35,000 votes were embedded in a “spread configured distribution” and auto-adjusted to the real voter turnout. The “fraud votes” applied to both local and federal election candidates.

“They were distributed based on the voter turnout, carefully so that they wouldn’t look suspicious,” asked Attorney Rudy Giuliani.

“That’s correct. They move the algorithms around to different precincts until they get the aggregate number that they want and need,” said Waldron.

“Did the Democratic candidates who got the benefit of those 35,000 false votes include Biden and Harris?” asked Giuliani.

“According to this email, it was all local and federal races,” said Waldron.

“If that were true, then the result of the election is totally opposite the one that they’re so anxious to certify,” said Giuliani.

Colonel Waldron clarified that he hopes this anonymous individual would come forward and issue it as an affidavit, but as of now, the state legislature has been unable to identify the individual. He added that this allegation can potentially be proven through a full forensic audit of the machines used in Pima County.