County officials defying orders in various ways include those in Modoc, Yuba, and Sutter in California, Mohave and Pinal in Arizona, and Franklin County in Washington state. Additionally, there are reports about small businesses around the country deciding to reopen before their states give the OK.
Such actions of defiance are related to the issues of individual sovereignty and liberty, Cully Stimson, a senior legal fellow at the Institute for Constitutional Government at The Heritage Foundation, told The Epoch Times in a telephone interview.
“We’re sort of free-spirited people. We like our freedom. We like our liberty. We like our Bill of Rights. And that’s whether you’re a liberal or conservative. This has nothing to do with politics,” he said.

So when Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb decided not to enforce Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order, he had the same thoughts in mind.
“As a sheriff, my first job first and foremost is to protect the Constitution,” Lamb told The Epoch Times.
“I felt like this was a time when we had to take a stand and protect people’s freedoms and their ability to go out to peacefully assemble and live their lives. And as the Declaration of Independence says the life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,” he said.
He added that while he’s not asking people to not follow the governor’s orders, he’s not citing and arresting them.
“I still encourage people to follow the guidelines. So if I get a call, I’m going to go out to that call. And we’re going to just continue to educate people. I do not think that making criminals out of innocent people or citing business owners who are already under extreme amounts of pressure and stress, we don’t find that to be conducive,” he said, adding that he’s looking at the “legal challenges faced on the constitutionality of it.”
Meanwhile, Martin “Modey” Hicks, the mayor of the small New Mexico city of Grants, vowed to defy the statewide lockdown order of fellow Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, after 81 business owners signed a petition requesting that he and the city council approve a resolution to allow local businesses to reopen.

Reality Varies by County
Lamb said the reopening of the counties can’t be determined by the gross number of CCP virus infections and deaths across the whole state. He gives the example of counties in Arizona that have very few deaths but are under the same kind of restrictions.“And a lot of those counties are very rural. And, you know, shutting them down for two months. Most of those businesses probably won’t reopen, or at least a good percentage of those businesses probably won’t reopen,” said Lamb, adding that it is important to assess the situation in each county, especially the remote ones, when states are seeking to impose lockdowns or reopen the economy.
Modoc County, a rural county in California that continues to have zero confirmed cases, allowed its bars, restaurants, and churches to reopen on May 1.
Modoc County Sheriff Tex Dowdy said in a statement on Facebook on May 3 that the county will continue to be cautious and follow guidelines and to reopen “safely, smart, and slow.” He said 80 percent of the land in the county is public lands and the recreational spaces on that land aren’t yet open to the public.
Heritage’s Stimson said the reality on the ground drastically varies from county to county in each state, which means the actual adherence to lockdown orders also may vary from county to county and even from neighborhood to neighborhood.
He gave the example of Montana and said except for the two main population centers, Billings and Bozeman, the rest of the state is sparsely populated.
“So if you’re 800 miles away, in a county far from Bozeman or Billings, in rural, rural, rural Montana ... are you really going to listen to the governor’s stay-at-home orders when your closest neighbor is 10 miles away,” Stimson said.
He questioned the validity of lockdowns in any sparsely populated rural county where, for example, only 50 people might live in a 500-square-mile area.

“I mean, please, do they actually need to stay at home? Or should they go out on their farm? They should go out and farm. So do they have to listen to the people in their state who base their decisions on fact to match the threat,” Stimson said.
Lamb says that while everyone is focusing on the health care situation, he also must manage the public safety concerns that arise.
Better Communication Needed
As states start to reopen in stages, there'll be a need for constant communication between state administrations and the counties to be able to take realistic decisions, Stimson said. That’s a way to avoid one-sided approaches about where to extend the lockdown and how and where to reopen.“One thing I can say with confidence is the governors need to be in constant communication with the counties in their state,” he said. “They have to be realistic and not taking a one-size approach, but also listen to the federal government and the health care data, and focus on where the actual cases of coronavirus are and who is actually at risk.”
He said communication is an essential part of the relationship between county and state governments, and how a republic functions.
“I think it has to be a constant feedback loop,” Stimson said. “The constant process of listening and talking and gathering facts and adjusting along the way.”