Could CM Punk Return at Payback?

Could CM Punk Return at Payback?
WWE superstar CM Punk (
Zachary Stallings

If there was ever a perfect time for CM Punk to return to WWE, Payback would be that time. Now is CM Punk going to return probably not (in my opinion), but the idea, and with the way things are in the WWE right now, Payback would be a good time. With Daniel Bryan having neck surgery he is going to be out for quite some time, which leaves the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in question. The WWE World Heavyweight Championship could be the perfect way to get Punk to return.

There are many ways WWE could go with the title, but if possible, the best way would probably be CM Punk. The reason CM Punk would be a good decision to replace Bryan is mainly because of his reputation. CM Punk is no doubt a fan favorite, whether he’s being a good guy or a heel, fans enjoy watching CM Punk in the ring. What could make a potential return even better is the fact that the Pay-Per-View Payback is taking place in CM Punk’s home town of Chicago.

Now with Payback being in Chicago it doesn’t guarantee that CM Punk will show up. A few months ago it was thought that CM Punk would return at WWE’s flagship program Raw, but Punk was nowhere near the arena. If you have ever seen a WWE event in Chicago, whether on T.V. or in person you know that the second CM Punks music hit the roof blows off the Allstate Arena; if CM Punk music hits at Payback there is no doubt that it will happen again.

Now if there was anything that could entice CM Punk to return, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship maybe it. It’s hard to see CM Punk returning anytime soon, but maybe a guaranteed spot at the top could get him to think about it. CM Punk may not be WWE’s first choice to replace Daniel Bryan as champion right now, but he might be in the discussion. The reason WWE maybe thinking about Punk is because most of their big name superstars are already involved in programs. John Cena is going against Bray Wyatt, and Randy Orton and Batista are involved in a program with The Shield. CM Punk may not be the most popular choice, but he might be the best choice.

If CM Punk decided to return (in my opinion) fans would be ok with the idea of him carrying the belt until Daniel returns. CM Punk is easily one of the biggest superstar’s in the WWE today; even with him not being there, CM Punk and WWE still get mentioned in the same sentence. The chances of CM Punk retuning at Payback (in my opinion) are slim to none. If it does happen, and if he competes for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Payback may turn out to be the best Pay-Per-View so far this year.

I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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