CornellNYC Tech Partners With Google

CornellNYC Tech, which won the Applied Sciences NYC campus award in December, will start classes this fall in the Google Inc. buildings, with a focus on nourishing the city’s tech talent and future entrepreneurs.
CornellNYC Tech Partners With Google
Mayor Michael Bloomberg poses with Google Inc. CEO Larry Page at Google headquarters in Manhattan on Monday, May 21. Courtesy of Mayor's Office
Kristen Meriwether
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1787222" title="Mayor Michael Bloomberg poses with Google Inc. CEO Larry Page" src="" alt="Mayor Michael Bloomberg poses with Google Inc. CEO Larry Page" width="350" height="262"/></a>
Mayor Michael Bloomberg poses with Google Inc. CEO Larry Page

NEW YORK—New York City’s growing tech industry will soon not have to look much further than Chelsea to find top-level talent.

CornellNYC Tech, which won the Applied Sciences NYC campus award in December, will start classes this fall in the Google Inc. buildings, with a focus on nourishing the city’s tech talent and future entrepreneurs.

Google is leasing 22,000 square feet free of charge, for 5.5 years or until Cornell completes their new campus on Roosevelt Island. The partnership shows Google is not only lending a hand to Cornell, but also the tech sector in New York City.

“This kind of synergy is beyond anything we could have imagined. CornellNYC Tech is well on its way to being fully integrated into New York City’s vibrant tech industry, and Google’s support is another huge vote of confidence for that industry,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a statement.

This fall a small group of current graduate students and faculty will migrate from the Ithaca campus to begin the first year of classes at the Google campus. The first batch of new students will enroll in 2013.

The school will be broken into three interdisciplinary hubs—green tech, connective social media, and healthier life, which will incorporate the already strong bio-tech industry in New York City.

“The one missing ingredient has been a pipeline of top-level tech talent, and that is what the tech campus will provide,” said Cornell President David J. Skorton.

Finding local top-level talent to fill the new spots at CornellNYC Tech may take a few years, but it is a task that is getting easier. During his State of the City address in January, the mayor made a commitment to public education that would help breed the next great techies.

In September 2011, P-TECH opened in Brooklyn. P-TECH, which is partnered with IBM, is the first six-year high school with a focus on technology and work-readiness skills. Bloomberg announced in January, “Thanks to support from CUNY, we plan to open three more schools using the same model.” No timetable was given.

This September the new Software Engineering Academy will open its doors in Union Square, which will have a focus on technical education.

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