Cork Ghost Convention to Explore the Supernatural

The eleventh World Ghost Convention will be opened at Cork City Gaol by the Lord Mayor of Cork on October 28th. The convention provides an opportunity for people who are fascinated by the supernatural to hear a colourful assortment of ghostly topics explored by speakers from different backgrounds and professions.
Cork Ghost Convention to Explore the Supernatural
Drombeg Stone Circle , Ireland (Comstock Images)

<a><img src="" alt="Drombeg Stone Circle , Ireland (Comstock Images)" title="Drombeg Stone Circle , Ireland (Comstock Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1796535"/></a>
Drombeg Stone Circle , Ireland (Comstock Images)
The eleventh World Ghost Convention will be opened at Cork City Gaol by the Lord Mayor of Cork on October 28th.

The convention provides an opportunity for people who are fascinated by the supernatural to hear a colourful assortment of ghostly topics explored by speakers from different backgrounds and professions.

One of the speakers will be Dr Margaret Humphreys from the folklore and Ethnology Department at Cork University. ”I will be speaking on the afterlife and the possibility of reincarnation. Have you noticed how some children are born with a particular ability or talent and begs the question where did the talent come from and you may have heard people say about a child that he/she is an old soul or that they have been here before, well during my talk I will be expanding more on this subject,” promised Dr Humphreys.

“The Ghost Convention is the first of its kind in the world and the splendid Cork City Gaol is the ideal place to hold it as it has its own resident ghosts which have been seen by members of the audiences and the speakers since the first ghost convention was held in 2001 on Halloween night,” said organiser Catherine Courtney.

Halloween was chosen as the apt time as the Celts celebrated Halloween as the ‘Feast of the Dead’ when those who have passed away revisit the mortal world. The celebration marked the end of summer and the beginning of the winter months. On that special night when the living and the dead were at their closest, the Celtic Druids would dress up in elaborate costumes to disguise themselves as spirits and devils in case they should encounter other devils and spirits during that night. By disguising they hoped that they would avoid being carried away on that dreaded night. This explains why witches, goblins and ghosts remain the most popular costumes.

Another speaker at the Convention will be Christine Connell a medium who believes that spirits can be all around us and are frequent visitors and not all are malevolent. “My mother had the ability to see spirits and so do I. Mostly it’s loved ones who have passed on. To give you an example, have you heard of the expression ‘Pennies from Heaven’? Sometimes the deceased can give you signs that they are still around which can include white feathers or pennies dropping at your feet. An example of this was when my daughter-in-law was very upset because her uncle, 32, was killed when he was kicked by a bull. We were sitting at my kitchen table and I assured her that he was still here as he had unfinished business to attend to. Just then a penny dropped from the ceiling area and landed at her feet. I told her that over the coming weeks she would have more signs that he’s still alive in the spirit world.

But there are negative energies out there and the Archangel Michael can be a protector in the face of negative energy. I also believe that there can be psychic debris left after a toxic relationship. It is important that even after you have emerged from a toxic relationship to mentally cut the cord between you and that person. Imagine yourself with that person on a bridge after meeting on the bridge coming from opposite directions and mentally cut the cord between you both and visualise yourself walking away from the person. You should find after this that your energy levels are much higher. Angels have to be invited into your life but I believe they visit children, I have heard of incidences where children talk about angels standing around their bed,” insisted Ms Connell.

Elizabeth Hitchcock, Spiritual councillor, will also be speaking at the event on the subject of Angels.”Before I had my first experience I had done a study on angels and was in the habit of asking for protection for myself and my family on a daily basis. My first encounter relates to a particular occasion when my daughter, who was ten at the time, was entering a pony club event. While I was holding the reins I was stung by a bee which caused an allergic reaction which immediately caused my hand to swell. By the time we were leaving, the swelling spread up my arm and into my shoulder. I was finding it very difficult to drive the jeep. I saw a green shimmering light descend through my fingers. I felt a tearing sensation under my skin and the grotesque swelling of my hand arm and shoulder instantly disappeared, that was my first experience there are many more,” explained Ms Hitchcock.

The ghost convention is a voluntary self funded non-profit event established to help people who have supernatural experiences by raising public awareness and highlight the fact that they are not alone in having such experiences.

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