Continual Stress in The Workplace May Trigger Other Health Issues, Experts Say

Continual Stress in The Workplace May Trigger Other Health Issues, Experts Say
Health insurance fund
Anthony Carranza

In today´s world we are faced with demands and challenges in our designated work space. As it turns out the profession you might name as your dream could have an expense on your health as a consequence. Mastering your work duties and responsibilities is just the start, but ultimately learning to manage your stress levels while performing the job will be key to your success.

It is certain that businesses, enterprises, organizations and SMEs want superb productivity and performance out of their staff. Nevertheless, having a high number of employees with considerable stress will become a liability. According to an analysis of American workers 40 percent of them surveyed reported their jobs as very or extremely stressful whereas a separate 25 percent perceived their jobs as the primary stressor in their lives.

The information cited by Entrepreneur is from the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health (NIOSH). In spite of all of the developments in technology and advances it does not mean people are having more time. Contrary to conventional wisdom people have to work more and fulfill plenty of deadlines. What the National Institute´s findings brings to light is work related stress will impact entities in a very big way.

“The nature of work is changing at whirlwind speed. Perhaps now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to the health of workers and, in turn, to the health organizations. Through its research program in job stress and through educational materials such as this booklet, NIOSH is committed to providing organizations with knowledge to reduce this threat,” according to NIOSH.

Depression found in specific job industries including in the startup world

That´s right depending on where you are working or where you will work the environment may play a role in getting depression. According to a report about 6.7 percent of Americans experience depression every year.

Not only are people consistently feeling hopeless, empty, tired and overworked it can cost companies substantial amounts of money. The report mentioned above went on to explain that United States (U.S) companies incur depression costs of $80 billion.

There may be a lot of unique indicators and distinguishable aspects about working for a specific company at any giving time during its exponential growth. Needless to say we cannot forget that having a healthy, mentally stable and anxiety free employee is a big asset to any organization. Contrary to disregarding this essential aspect the payoffs from investing heavily in people´s health will bring about positive results in the long run.

In today´s startup world there are plenty of opportunities to grow into the next best thing. However, there is a brutal and hidden reality about working in such entities. It so happens people working in this newly established business are at times suffering from stress, deep anxiety and depression. In a question and answer interview by of Greg Avery confirmed it is very common for people to experience depression. Avery goes on to explain that entrepreneurs from the onset are to never show weakness and may explain why this serious health problem is discarded as a legitimate concern.

Strategies or tips to make your work day healthier

Before trying to figure out how to manage your job duties and responsibilities the first priority is your health. Without a healthy functioning mind and body sooner or later trouble will catch up with you. An infographic by highlights important steps and ways you can make a working day that much smoother and healthier. They are as follows:

  • Do not skip breakfast
  • Add some flair to your workspace
  • Take a break
  • Get some exercise
  • Skip junk food
  • Do not be so critical

These are just some general guidelines to make your work day or shift that much more effective. There is nothing more difficult and stressful than dealing with anxiety combined with stress. This situation will more than likely result in poor productivity and performance. Two of the things that are central to practically any job.

Suffering from stress, anxiety or depression can be detrimental to your health and the company you work for. In addition, this can impair your ability to make any objective or critical decisions about your life. In an article by Psychiatrist Dr. Carlo Carandang he goes into great detail how anxious people cannot predict bad outcomes in changing environments.

So if you have just started to experience stress, cope with anxiety or depression perhaps it is a good time to seek out help. The worst thing you can do as an individual or human being is ignore these symptoms. If you perhaps feel embarrassed and cannot justify approaching a medical professional there are online tools to help assess your situation. For example, an anxiety test (found on ) goes through a serious of questions to get a sense of the level of anxiety. At the conclusion of the questionnaire you will receive confidential results via email.

In order to succeed working professionally you cannot expect to perform well with health problems piling up over time. This will undermine your progress and will cost you expensive medical visits. Find a balance between your health and the amount of work. Get proper treatment if you suffer from any of the three conditions.


To be able to really work in an organized, efficient and systematic fashion health comes first before anything else. Companies are starting to see that there is some logic or influential factor when they are able to notice that some of their staff is anxious, stressed or depressed. Whatever the scenario is you cannot discuss long-term company goals without including people´s health and state of mind in your overall efforts.

Regardless if you are a CEO, entrepreneur or a business person the job you have at hand comes with challenges and difficult situations. Learning to keep an eye out for signs or symptoms of a degrading health are one thing and the other notion is this perception of being weak-minded. Those are two unrelated things and should be confused since health is the topic of conversation.

Working to live and living to work are different concepts. There needs to a certain degree of harmony with work output without sacrificing the health of an individual. This will cost companies far less money and will have happier staff on hand. 

Digital Media Journalist! Existing contributor for Examiner and Social Media Today with a track record for web news. A former freelance writer for CBS Local Minnesota. Writing and reporting on the latest social media happenings.
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