Conservative Leaders Blast Democrats’ Efforts to Shield Ballot Counting

Conservative Leaders Blast Democrats’ Efforts to Shield Ballot Counting
Election workers count ballots in Philadelphia, on Nov. 4, 2020. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Mark Tapscott

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell called Nov. 5 for more transparency and “a clear chain of custody for every ballot” as the final votes in key states are being tallied to determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

“Two things are critical, guaranteeing the chain of custody for each ballot and verification that every voter is a legal voter,” said Blackwell, who served as secretary of state from 1999 to 2007 and is now a senior fellow for family empowerment with the Family Research Council.

“Transparency is now a top priority. We need to be shining as much light as possible on this process,” Blackwell said. “We should be punching holes in the darkness, whether it’s in Nevada or Arizona, Pennsylvania or North Carolina. We must make sure that there is light in this process.”

Blackwell’s comment came during a digital media briefing in which he was participating with host conservative marketing wizard Richard Viguerie, who now heads Conservative HQ.
Also participating were Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist; Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin; and David Bozell, president of the ForAmerica activist group.

Viguerie, who pioneered the use of direct-mail fundraising for conservative activist groups in the early 1970s, praised President Donald Trump and Republicans for “battling the Establishment to a tie,” while keeping control of the Senate and gaining at least five seats in the House of Representatives.

Bozell said of the Trump effort that “we do believe Trump won the election; now they have to prove it,” referring to widespread allegations of fraud and corruption in vote-counting in key states, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

The Trump campaign has asked for a recount in Wisconsin and filed suits in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed a suit on behalf of a woman in Maricopa County, Arizona, who claimed election officials refused to replace her ballot when it was rejected by a tabulation machine.
A document provided to The Epoch Times included a statement by an Arizona poll worker describing tabulation problems caused by the use of Sharpie pens to fill out ballots.

Bozell insisted that “Trump should get the same access and transparency that [former Vice President Al] Gore Jr. got in 2000” when controversy erupted in Florida over “hanging chads” that delayed vote-counting in numerous counties there.

The Supreme Court ultimately had to resolve the controversy, with the result that Republican former Texas Gov. George W. Bush became president. Democrat Gore accepted the high court’s decision.

Norquist also lauded the election results because little will change with former Vice President Joe Biden entering the Oval Office having to deal with a Republican Senate majority and a House of Representatives in which Republicans gained five seats.

“It means there won’t be the $4 trillion tax hike Biden wanted, there won’t be the $11 trillion in new spending he proposed, no Green New Deal, no court-packing, and no new states added willy-nilly,” Norquist said.

“Twenty-twenty is going to be a bad year for the left.”

Martin, who joined the briefing from a vote-counting station in Fulton County, Georgia, amid what appeared to be groups of Trump and Biden backers in counter demonstrations, said the election results “demonstrate that Big Tech and Big Media don’t understand the American people.”

Viguerie credited Trump for “creating a ground game like the right has never seen before,” and he praised the president for consistently showing firmness against liberal attacks during the Russiagate investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller and the congressional Democrats’ failed impeachment campaign earlier in the year. House Democrats impeached Trump on two counts, but the Senate declined to convict him on either count.

Viguerie was critical of the Trump campaign on one count, noting that Republican presidential candidates are successful when they “nationalize” elections by focusing public concerns on issues such as tax cuts, reducing federal regulation, and achieving energy independence.

Asked by The Epoch Times if he thinks Trump nationalized the 2020 race too late, Viguerie said he does. “He should have kept it to those big issues instead of, bless his heart, the 20 or 30 things he was constantly talking about.”

Asked by The Epoch Times if the Trump campaign failed to implement any needed measures prior to election day to counter efforts to tamper with voting or tabulation, all five of the conservative leaders said they were not aware of any such shortcomings.

In a related development on Nov. 5, a spokesman for Heritage Action for America told The Epoch Times the group is sending 130 attorneys and volunteers to Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to aid efforts to ensure honest tabulations.

Contact Mark Tapscott at [email protected]
Mark Tapscott is an award-winning senior Congressional correspondent for The Epoch Times. He covers Congress, national politics, and policy. Mr. Tapscott previously worked for Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Montgomery Journal, and Daily Caller News Foundation.
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