This Week in Congress

At least 10 threats have been made against congressmen.
This Week in Congress

Congressmen Harassed over Health Care Vote

Congressional leaders say that following Sunday’s health care vote at least 10 threats have been made against congressmen, reported the Associated Press. The latest incident occurred Wednesday when a gas line at Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother’s house was cut. While the FBI is still investigating the vandalism, the Hill reported that the act was actually meant for the congressman, as a tea party activist mistakenly posted his brother’s address online. Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Thursday morning that his Richmond office was shot at on Monday and that he’s received threatening e-mail messages.

Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on her Web site that a brick was thrown through the window of her Niagara Falls district office and that a caller left a voicemail referencing snipers at her campaign office. Slaughter is chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, whose name has become associated with the controversial “deem and pass” strategy. Another case is that of the wife of Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) who received death threats, reported the Hill. Stupak pushed for the health care bill to include restrictions on using federal dollars for abortions.

Flake Resolution to Ethics Committee

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) filed a resolution Thursday to force the ethics committee to reveal the details of its investigation into seven members of Congress, reports the Hill. The congressmen were being investigated for their ties to the PMA Group lobbying firm. The firm closed down after the FBI raided its Virginia headquarters in November 2008. The firm was known for securing appropriations earmarks for its clients.

According to, the firm donated more than $40 million to the campaigns of 514 of the current lawmakers in Washington. Earlier this year the committee released a brief report that found seven lawmakers not at fault in connection with the group. Now Flake is pressuring the ethics committee to show how much investigative work it did reviewing members’ ties to the PMA Group. Last year democrats dodged nine attempts by Flake to force the ethics committee to take serious action.